25 Phrases By The Wonderful Mario Benedetti

25 Phrases by the wonderful Mario Benedetti

The extensive and wonderful work left by the fantastic  Mario Benedetti  is a staircase to our dreams.  With his words, the Uruguayan writer elevates us to a world of understanding and nostalgia that makes us sigh. In this article, we leave  25 spectacular phrases that are a pleasure for our senses :

1.  Don’t tempt me, because if we try, we won’t be able to forget.

2.  But really,  what is Ours? For now, at least, it’s a kind of complicity with others, a shared secret, a one-sided pact. Of course, this is an adventure, neither a program nor – still less – an engagement. However, it is more than friendship. The worst (or the best?) is that she is very comfortable with this definition. Tell me confidently, with all humor, I believe even with affection.

3. When we thought we had all the answers, suddenly all the questions changed.

4.  The butterfly will always remember having been a caterpillar.

5.  After all, death is just a symptom that there was life.

6.  In reason, only doubts that have the key will enter.

7.  Two dangers  the young man must fear: the right when he is right-handed, the left when he is sinister.

8.  Don’t believe everything you’re told about the world (not even what I’m telling you), I’ve already told you that the world is countless.

9.  Who knew, the weak never really give up.

10.  There are few things as deafening as silence.

11.  I would like to look at things from afar, but with you.

12.  Don’t give up, please don’t give in, even though the cold burns, even though fear bites, even though the sun hides, and the wind is still, there’s still fire in your soul, there’s still life in your dreams . Because life is yours and yours is also your desire, because each day is a new beginning, because this is the time and the best moment, because you are not alone, because I love you!

do not surrender

13.  I like people who vibrate, who don’t have to be pushed, who don’t have to be told to do things, who know what has to be done and do it. Of people who cultivate their dreams, until they take over their reality.

14.  I like people who are able to understand that the biggest mistake of human beings is trying to get out of their heads what doesn’t leave their hearts.

15. We  renounce the unique and happy moment. We prefer to lose it, let it pass without even making a reasonable attempt to catch it. We preferred to lose everything, before admitting that it was the only possibility and that this possibility is only a minute and not a long and flawless existence.

16.  I love, you love, he loves, we love, you love, they love. I wish it wasn’t conjugation but reality.

17.  Five minutes is enough to dream a lifetime, so relative is time.

18. I never thought that happiness had such sadness.

19.  What good insomnia, if I’m concerned about your body.

20.  My strategy is that one day, I don’t know how or under what pretext, you need me.

21. The glory does not consist in never falling, but in getting up as often as necessary.

22.  Love is not repetition. Every act of love is a cycle in itself, an orbit closed in its own ritual. It is, how could you explain, a fist of life.

23.  Perfection is a polished collection of mistakes.

24.  If the heart gets tired of loving, what is it for?

25.  If we knew what we have as clearly as we know what we lack…

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