5 Movies To Work On Children’s Self-esteem

Discover why cinema can be an excellent tool for child development and improving self-esteem in children.
5 movies to work on children's self-esteem

Cinema is more than an art, it can be a valuable educational and training resource. Discovering movies to work on children’s self-esteem gives us the opportunity to offer children something more than entertainment in the cinematographic world.

A good movie can move us, make us sad, amuse us, bore us… All this thanks to the fact that this art is a reflection of life itself. That’s precisely where its educational power comes from.

Therefore, as children are “little sponges” that absorb all kinds of knowledge, it is interesting to make a good selection of films that help them to get to know each other better, gain self-confidence and make them develop as happy and assertive individuals.

The best movies to work on children’s self-esteem

Below, we present a list of films to work on children’s self-esteem that many tutors and educators use with children. They will help them to get to know each other better, so that they can develop their possibilities, skills and emotions in complete safety.

Ratatouille, 2007

Directed by Brad Bird, Ratatouille is a film that shows the story of a small and talented rodent whose dream is to be a great cook. To do this, he joins a boy who is the son of a famous chef, but who is a disaster in the kitchen.

This movie allows children to discover that there are no limits to improving their talent. If they really have a skill, a dream, they will at least have a chance to fight for it and adapt it to their conditions.

Finding Nemo, 2003

Andrew Stanton and Lee Unkrich directed one of the most famous films of the 21st century, which even had a recent sequel with the lovely Dory in the lead role.

In this movie, we find several lessons in overcoming difficulties. For example, little Nemo, who has one fin smaller than the other, or the tireless search of his father who takes care of finding him when Nemo gets lost.

Both show that when you want something really hard, nothing can get in the way. All you have to do is work to reach the ultimate goal with enthusiasm, hope and confidence in your own possibilities.

Wall-E, 2008

Among the films to work on children’s self-esteem, we cannot forget Wall-E.

This science fiction work produced by Disney and Pixar tells the story of a cleaning robot that has not stopped working despite the fact that the Earth has been abandoned by humanity many centuries ago.

We can extract several interesting lessons from this film, such as the need for proper waste management. However, one of them is especially important for children: the need for autonomy, control of dependence on technology, electronic devices, smartphones, etc.

Human face-to-face communication, even seen in the film through robots, is critical. Thus, we can learn body language and the meaning of sounds to know how to communicate efficiently, safely and sensibly.

Fun Mind, 2015

Known by its original name, Inside Out , this is a modern Disney and Pixar classic in which children’s emotions are explored in profusion, especially disgust, fear, anger, sadness and joy.

Much of the work that is done with the little ones so that they learn to take care of their self-esteem has to do with their own emotions.

In this case, it is not so much about learning to manage them, but rather understanding them, understanding them, accepting them and knowing the consequences so that, progressively, they can manage them intelligently.

How to train your dragon, 2010

We ended our journey through the movies to work on children’s self-esteem with another excellent feature that tells the story of a young man who has a beautiful friendship with a dragon.

To maintain his friendship with the dragon, a being that all his people are afraid of, the boy will fight against the ancestral traditions of his people, prioritizing self-confidence in the face of fear.

For this, the young man proves to be very assertive, giving priority to living beings over unfounded customs and terrors.

Any one of these five films, and many others that you certainly know, are excellent material for little ones to work on self-esteem, grow and develop self-confidence in an environment that is appropriate and adapted to their abilities.

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