5 Tips For Coping With Difficulties

5 tips to face difficulties

There are times when everything seems to go wrong. Nothing goes as we hope. Things get complicated and don’t work out, or they arrive at the wrong time. Nothing consolidates. Everything is confusing. And you may feel that you are running out, that there is no way to face the difficulties.

These bad times often alter our perspective on events. We become more sensitive to everything negative and easily fall into a pit of pessimism.

It is at these times that we must remember five great truths that sometimes go unnoticed.

1. Everything passes

Life is a succession of cycles, in which there are moments of light and others of darkness. Nothing lasts forever. We know this, but we often forget.

When we are very happy, it seems that from then on everything will be beautiful. If we are going through difficult times,  we can have the feeling that this will never end.

Both perceptions are false. In life, sadness and happiness happen. In reality,  there is  neither  absolute happiness nor absolute pain. Black and white rarely impose themselves: almost always what exists is a world of different colors, where light and dark combine.

2. Pain is a source of growth

If everything always went as we wished, we would become fragile and strange beings. Most likely, under these conditions, we would not be able to tolerate a difficulty, no matter how small. We wouldn’t have the tools to do it.

Pain, frustration and difficult experiences are a source of growth. When we encounter  obstacles , we are also encountering challenges. Taking on these challenges is part of an evolution process that, sooner or later, will bear fruit.

3. Complaints and concerns don’t solve anything

If you fall into the trap of complaining, in reality you will only be able to reinforce the presence of negative situations in your life. When you least expect it, you will have created a mental crust that imprisons your creativity to come up with solutions.

Worrying about a problem will not help to solve it. Quite the opposite: it will only add a new difficulty to the one you already have. Certainly you will act more  assertively if, instead of living for grievances, you focus on solutions. It’s the smartest thing you can do. 

4. Feed the patience

Without a doubt, patience is one of those virtues that represents a treasure for those who are lucky enough to have it. Those who can cultivate  patience are happier, smarter and more successful. 

Nothing is worse than suffering needlessly for solutions that don’t come quickly. Everything in life follows a process that will not change simply because you want it to. Patience helps to give time to time, not to fall into despair while the paths that lead to a way out appear, or are being built.

5. go ahead

If, after you’ve given serious thought and tried to fix things by the means at your disposal, the solution doesn’t come, it  ‘s best if you put aside what you can’t fix and move on.

Don’t be tempted to stagnate and complain, blame yourself, or blame life for what you didn’t get or lost. If you get stuck in this dead end, chances are, sooner or later, you will become a cold and bitter person  who is further and further away from achieving peace and happiness.

Image credits: nexus 6.

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