7 Ideas To Flow In The Face Of Adversity

7 ideas to flow in the face of adversity

As has been said in countless sentences,  “Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but about learning to dance in the rain”. We’ve all gone through difficult times at some point in our lives; to deal with them in the best way possible, it is best to  accept  the situation and move on.

Rumbling over adversity becomes the most dangerous weapon that can exist, as it can turn into a vicious circle, where thinking focuses exclusively on the problem and leaves no room for other, more positive things that would help improve the emotional state.

There is only one positive thing about thinking about bad situations that could help rather than worsen emotions:  looking at adversity from a constructive perspective, centered on finding solutions and  hope .  Next, get to know 7 ideas to better withstand the bad times and, above all, to learn how to move forward even though we are living in a bad situation.

1. Look for a way out and work to get your life where you want to go. The present may be sunk in a bad situation, but  we can always do something to make the future different. Make a plan to get out of adversity. Even though it cannot be achieved in the short term, positioning ourselves on the path to where we want to go will make us better able to withstand the present problematic moment.

Remember Albert Einstein’s famous phrase:  “If you are looking for different results, don’t always do the same”.  Often  small continuous actions can change a life in the short term. The important thing is to be clear where we want to go and start walking there. Even if adversity prevents us from traveling the path at a greater speed, the important thing is that we take the first step.

2. Keep in mind that this adverse situation is temporary , keep  moving forward despite the discomfort you feel about the situation in which you find yourself. Everything in this life is temporal; negative situations could not be less temporal and usually end with acceptance and action.

3. Dream about the moment when you will get out of this problem  and find that it is worth sacrificing yourself to achieve it. Often imagine the situation of being where you want, with no problems, with a happy life. That way you will have enough motivation to move forward.

4. Never leave leisure to one side.  As bad as things are, we should take time, even if it’s little, to dedicate to leisure. Even if it’s small things, like going to the movies, visiting museums, going out for ice cream with a friend, etc…  these little breaks to breathe will make us disconnect and improve our emotions.

5. Always hope that you can improve your life. There is no better motivation than hoping that everything will change. For this, it is also necessary to believe in yourself and know that  our actions will change the situation; we shouldn’t leave everything to chance.

6. Individual ability to let go of the negative opinions of others. To withstand times of adversity, it’s important to listen to ourselves more than others. Any opinion that tries to dampen our hopes should not be taken into account.

There are many toxic people who, as they are unable to find ways out and see life from other perspectives, use negativity and hit others with it.

7. Keeping bad thoughts away. All of us, faced with an adverse situation, have a tendency to think in an exaggeratedly negative way. It is necessary to break this chain with thoughts that incite hope and lead us to believe that, with our effort and strategy, we will manage to get out of this situation.

Let’s imagine for a moment that in our bad situation there was someone we care about a lot, what would we say to her? How could we make her see that there is a way out and hope? What advice would we give you? In this way, we will be able to use our positive side, as we tend to be more hopeful when others tell us a problem than when we have to face it.

We think it’s better to help others than to help ourselves. So, imagining that someone we care about has our problem is a good technique for looking at things from another perspective, and learning to help ourselves.

Use adversity to learn, to accept bad feelings, but never erase your smile and your desire to move  on .

Image Credits: Syota Takahashi

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