7 Lessons For Love

The lessons for knowing how to love are related to some tips that make our expectations more realistic and our actions more committed. Loving is a true art, and all art requires time and dedication.
7 lessons to know how to love

Knowing how to love is a true art that requires self-knowledge, experience and good will. Because sometimes, even if there is love, its quality is not always the same. There are loves and loves.

Some manage to transform our lives positively forever. Others, however, are a passing or lasting storm. Some keep it just out of habit and basically don’t add or subtract anything from our lives.

An evolved and mature love is healthy, in the broad sense of the word. It significantly enriches the lives of those involved and contributes to the development and expansion of each one of them.

Knowing how to love implies recognizing the limits of a relationship and reaching a certain level of individual balance. It also involves learning to let go of impossible desires and romantic fantasies.

Next, we’ll delve into the subject by presenting seven tips that must be taken into account to know how to love. Come on!

1. The same experience, different views

The first of the lessons for knowing how to love is to understand that each person is a unique universe. In love, especially in love relationships, there is sometimes an uncontrollable desire to build an extremely strong mutual identity.

However, although two people share the same experience, each of them sees and assimilates the experience differently. This diversity makes the differentiation of the members visible, allowing each one to be who they really are, continuing to be separate individuals. This is not bad, but positive and normal.

The importance of knowing how to love

2. One of the lessons for knowing how to love is to understand that people change

People have a basic personality structure, which usually remains in essence from childhood to old age. Despite this, they are also beings that change constantly. Time, experiences and learning bring about change.

Knowing how to love is understanding this. In other words, it is accepting that perhaps it is necessary to learn to love the same person again. Parents, for example, go through this when their children are children and then teenagers and adults. In relationships, the idealized being becomes a real person and it is necessary to fall in love.

3. Taking care of yourself is a way of thinking about others

The first love that must be strengthened is self-love. To know how to love others, it is first necessary to be in relative peace and balance with oneself. We need to be aware of who we are, what we want and what we deserve.

In the end, everything we do for ourselves, we will also be doing for others. If we are at peace, it will be possible to provide peace. If we feel good about who we are, it will be possible to accept others more easily. If we take care of ourselves, we will also take care of our bonds with others.

4. Protect intimacy

Currently, there is a collective desire for exposure. Many people want to show their personal life to the public and feel that it is worthwhile to do so. There is also a lot of rush to be intimate with your partner, especially in relationships.

These very private or vulnerable aspects of our lives should be better protected. Knowing how to love is also having a little patience. Allow time for the bonds to be strengthened and the field of intimacy can expand.

couple together in nature

5. Each has its own battles

It is said that each person “carries his own cross”. While it may be a dramatic way of looking at things, in essence this is true. We will never fully understand the battles a person fights on a daily basis.

What we can do is take this into account to understand that everyone has their own difficulties and this generates tensions and conflicts. It is not necessary for the other to constantly explain to us their discomfort and emptiness in order to understand them, even if not everything is as pleasant as it could be.

6. There is no total equality in relationships

Human relationships are not commercial contracts that imply total equity in any circumstance. Quite the opposite. The predominant note is asymmetry, inequity. Full correspondence is never achieved.

There are times when one gives more than the other and soon the opposite can happen. Therefore, we cannot control everything and demand that we be reciprocated in the same proportion when we give something. Knowing how to love is giving the best and accepting what the other can and wants to give us.

7. To know how to love, it is necessary to learn to say goodbye

Every love relationship ends at some point. The presence of other people is always transitory in our lives. Sooner or later, and for various reasons, there will come a time when we no longer have your company.

So it’s important to learn to say goodbye to your partner. The pain involved in this is not resolved by avoiding new love ties, nor by trying to perpetuate them beyond reason. Losing those we love is a reality from which no one escapes, and it is important to know how to accept it.

Upset man looking out the window

These lessons for knowing how to love are tips that don’t all apply at the same time. They should be seen as guides, not norms. Trying to follow them is enough, even if we can’t fulfill 100% of them. Love is also that: working to be better and making the people around us better too.

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