9 Characteristics Of Good Friends We Should All Know

True friendships unfold over time, through good times and bad. These are the features that distinguish them.
9 Characteristics of Good Friends We Should All Know

There are several characteristics of good friends that we should all know about. Because in these types of alliances and social ties, not all of them serve us. It is necessary to put filters, be selective and remember that it pays to be surrounded by figures with a true human quality, emotionally and intellectually feeding others.

Playwright Tennessee Williams said that our existence is shaped by what we do as well as what we share with friends. This reminds us of the need to open the doors of our hearts to those companions with whom to seek vital meaning and make sense of our days.

While it is true that there are relationships that expire and that sometimes soul friends are carried away by the wind and progressive lack of harmony, new people always arrive. Knowing how to recognize who is worth, the joy and emotional investment we will make for them is something decisive.

The characteristics of good friends

Characteristics of Good Friends You Should Know

Good friendships can be found, but above all, they are built on a daily basis. There is also another decisive fact. When we have this type of social bond, it is good to remember that the psychological tendon of reciprocity must be exercised daily, the classic “you give it to me, I give it to you”. Somehow we all know very well what to ask a friend.

However, let us not forget that we must also know how to give for this relationship to last and be authentic. Reciprocity is the key. Likewise, while it is true that good friendships are a source of well-being and happiness, psychology has always been interested in knowing what defines authentic friends.

Research works, such as those carried out at the University of Miami, specify that good friendships must be virtuous, useful and pleasant, as Aristotle pointed out. This is how we obtain hedonic well-being (enjoyment) and eudaimonic well-being (human flourishing, happiness).

Now, when it comes to the characteristics of good friends, there are traits that act as real pillars for satisfaction. Remember, it’s also good to look at our dynamics in this type of relationship. Let’s give others what we demand of our friends.

1. They are people you can trust

Authentic friendship is sustained and forged on a decisive primary root: trust. If this dimension does not exist, this relationship does not serve us and is not authentic. Often, we seek in these figures that daily refuge that we do not always get from family members or even from our partner.

It is critical to know that we will not be betrayed, that what is shared is confidential and that we will never be judged or criticized for what is said.

2- Appreciate and cultivate honesty

Honesty cannot be lacking in the characteristics of good friends. This exceptional virtue endows a person with the perfect combination of sincerity, honor, consideration, humility and authenticity that are so important in any relationship.

This behavior and this attitude reveal the most beautiful people, those in whom it is worth placing our affection.

3. Practice compassionate empathy

Many may say that the most important thing about making a friend is that they show us empathy. However, be careful, because sometimes even a narcissist can make us believe that he is empathic, acknowledging our emotions and feelings.

Because it’s one thing to feel and another to understand and act. Therefore, one of the characteristics of good friends is compassionate empathy. That is, let us always try to build bonds with people who connect with our emotions, understand them and act in harmony to give us help, support…

4- Are loyal

Shakespeare said loyalty is following someone to your last breath. It is not necessary to go to these extremes, but to demonstrate that firm commitment that is not exhausted by selfishness or hidden interests.

Loyalty is acting with fairness, respect, reliability and commitment to our friends.

5. Know how to listen

Sounds easy, but not everyone really knows how to listen authentically. Most fall into the impulse to judge, disapprove, or contribute their point of view when we just want to be heard.

Enriching friendships listen with the senses and the heart and are also good to read between the lines.

6. They are happy for their triumphs and are present in the bad times

Most of us love to have friends with whom to have a good time, laugh, travel, enjoy… However, the greatness of people is realized when they know how to be present in the bad times.

Thus, another characteristic of good friends is knowing how to follow the sadness and also share our triumphs and joys.

friends eating in a restaurant

7. Strengthen self-esteem and help us to be better

Research articles, such as those done at Columbia University, highlight the benefits of friendship. We could talk about its potential to save us from loneliness, provide daily support and even improve our physical health.

However, it is important to highlight another crucial aspect. Good friends make us better people. These emotional figures nurture our self-esteem and enhance psychological well-being.

8. Have a sense of humor and common values

We often make new friends sharing common interests. However, the most significant and stable friendships, in addition to sharing similar hobbies, are forged by defending the same values.

Finding someone who has the same outlook on life is always comforting. When a sense of humor and complicity flow between two or more people constantly, that bond is authentic.

9. They are not jealous, they do not need an “exclusivity” contract

Although it calls attention, there are friendships as jealous as some relationships. There are people who believe they have an exclusive contract with their friends. That is, they take it for granted that we belong to them and that we will only share time and experiences with them.

Let’s avoid that kind of presence. Because authentic friendship, like authentic love, does not bind, but liberates and enriches. Let’s try, then, to walk through life with figures capable of enlightening us at all times and circumstances.

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