About Movies That Leave Stories And Lessons

About movies that leave stories and lessons

Watching movies is like seeing your life played out. Many of the situations are common and super normal to happen in real life, even though the film is often seen as just art or a parallel to real life, it still brings its creative moments, but most of the time the art imitates life.

Reading is an excellent remedy for many situations. It brings comfort, allows you to travel without leaving your seat, helps with reflection and can solve some problems that seemed to have no solution. Whenever I read a book and watch the movie I get a little disappointed, after all the book always seems to have more content, and it really does. The truth is, there is no comparison. A book is a book and a film is a film and each one has its place and time to be devoured.

Just like a good read, movies transport us to another world. There are people who get emotional as if they were in the movie, as if everything that was being said was directed at them and the result is always a cry, a laugh, a scare.

The films have their categories and each one of them awakens an emotion and awakens our senses so that, experiencing from the outside, we can understand what is inside us.

There are people who don’t understand, when, especially women or romantics on duty, say: – The film was beautiful, it had a fantastic ending, I even cried! They don’t understand how something that makes you cry can be beautiful, fantastic, wonderful. But what people don’t understand is that sensitive people like that need to drain.

And in the various successful films, in the romance and drama categories, we separated some phrases: liberating, empowering, exciting, joyful, and so on.

Movie phrases that warm and lighten the heart

a long journey

15. “Love requires sacrifices, always!” (A long journey)

up a high adventure

14. “You were my best adventure!” (Up – Adventure in the Heights)

PS I Love You

13. “Alone or not you have to move on. And remember, if we’re alone then we’re in this together too.” (PS I Love You)

ps movie I love you

12. “Dear Jerry, you said you wanted me to fall in love again and maybe I will one day, but there are so many kinds of love. This is my only life and it’s wonderful and terrible, short and endless and no one gets out of it alive.” (PS I Love You)

eat Pray and Love

11. “Sometimes losing balance for love is part of living a balanced life” (Eating, Praying, Loving)

how to pray and love

10. “In the end I came to believe in something I call the physics of demand, the in natura force governed by laws as true as the laws of gravity. The rule of search physics goes something like this. If you’re brave enough to leave behind everything that’s familiar and comfortable, which can be anything from your home to the bitterness of old resentments, and plan a true search trip, both external and internal, if you’re really willing. to consider everything that happens to you on this trip as a clue and if you accept everyone you meet as teachers, and if you are above all prepared to face and forgive some very difficult realities about yourself, then the truth will not be denied you” ( Eat Pray Love)

09. ” Are you dying?
– What you think?
– Yes. Then I won’t see you again.
– Well, you won’t see my body, but… do you know how a cocoon becomes something more?
– Yes, a butterfly.
– Yeah, you just have to think about me flying somewhere” (Side by side)

Ready to love

08. “So this is my story. I had fantastic friends didn’t I? I include my parents in this group, even though all my life I’ve blamed them for, well, everything. But the truth is, I was afraid! I was afraid to trust and forgive, I was afraid it wouldn’t be enough. But I was.” (Ready to love)

Ready to love

07. “What I wouldn’t give to experience, just one more time that feeling when he looked at me and I felt: alive!” (Ready to love)

fried green tomatoes

06. “The truth is sometimes quite funny, I feel much better. – Excellent! – I feel much better because these people will live as long as you remember them. You reminded me of what the most important thing in life is, friends, good friends.” (fried green tomatoes)

home Sweet Home

05. ” You have a past, but who doesn’t? What I need to know is if there’s a place for me in your future” (Sweet Home)

bridgite jones' diary

04. “This offer is not enough for me. I don’t feel like betting my whole life on someone who doesn’t have the strength. It’s like you said: I’m looking for something more extraordinary than this.” (Bridget Jones’s Diary)

Becky Bloom's consumption delusions

03. “I like shopping, what’s wrong with that? Why stores exist to take advantage of. The pleasurable experience, well, more than pleasurable, it’s beautiful. The feel of silk around the mannequin. The smell of Italian leather shoes. The thrill when you swipe your card and it’s approved and everything is now yours. The pleasure you feel when you buy something and it’s just you and the shopping. You just need to deliver a little card. Isn’t it the best feeling in the world? Don’t feel like screaming from the top of a mountain? Why do you feel so confident and so alive. And so happy!” (Becky Bloom’s consumer delusions)

lisbela and the prisoner

02. “Ready! So close, but so close that as the poet says: the amateur is transformed into the thing he loves, because of so much imagining he doesn’t have anything to want, because I already have the desired part in me” (Lisbela and the Prisoner)

The theory of everything

01. “Of course we are just evolved primates, living on a small planet that orbits an ordinary star located on the outskirts of one of billions of galaxies. But since the beginning of civilization, people have tried to understand the fundamental order of the world. There must be something special about the limits of the universe. And what can be more special than having no limits? There should be no limits to human effort, we are all different. As bad as life may seem, there is always something we can do where we can succeed. As long as there is life, there will be hope” (The Theory of Everything)

Everything in life leaves a great and good lesson, and with movies it doesn’t work any different. Enjoy each phrase for a specific moment, some of them can even become a motto, so choose the most appropriate and use it in your challenging moments!

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