Anger Is Extremely Toxic To The Body

Anger is extremely toxic to the body.

We are born carrying anger within us, along with fear and pain. These emotions come into the world with every human being, regardless of the circumstances in which each individual was born. From birth onwards, each of these subjective realities will be materialized and will take the course that the environment provides.

Anger has different levels. They range from annoyance or irritation for some setback to blind passion, which leads to the most destructive acts of human beings. It’s actually one of the most intense emotions we can experience. It is also one of the most harmful. Whether it explodes or is repressed, it ends up making the person ill.

The human being, then, is faced with a great paradox. He feels the anger anyway. It is not possible to mutilate that part of yourself. However, you must learn to deal with it, or make your body and mind ill. The good news is that it is possible to do this. It is possible to channel anger in a constructive way. Competing, undertaking and taking risks are ways to do this. If we fail, our body will suffer the consequences.

anger sickens

Both alternative therapies and traditional medicine insist that all illnesses have emotional components. From the standpoint of holistic approaches, every illness is an unresolved emotion. When this emotion reaches its most superlative degree, it can significantly deteriorate health and even lead to death.

angry screaming woman

These perspectives show that each emotion particularly impacts some part of the body. In the case of anger, it is known to have its effects primarily on the entire torso and stomach area.

Anger takes many forms: resentment, resentment, hatred, etc. All of these forms end up having health consequences. In fact, they are real time bombs that end up manifesting as gallstones, gallbladder problems and different digestive disorders.

Different effects on the body

Recently, researchers at the National Institute on Aging conducted research on the effects of this emotion on the body. The findings of this study were published in the Journal of the American Heart Association . In it, it was confirmed that those individuals who are dominated by anger tend to show signs of this emotion in their bodies.

It has been shown that people who are frequently irritated tend to have abnormalities in the carotid arteries. This, of course, increases your risk of suffering a stroke. Likewise, they found that those individuals who have an “antagonistic” personality, that is, very problematic, often have a thickening of the arterial walls.

wire with velvet heart

On the other hand, every rage attack visibly increases the production of some hormones, such as adrenaline. The increase in this substance alters the body’s balance and eventually can lead to heart attacks or brain disease.

We must not contain the anger, nor let it take control

Every day we have many reasons to be angry, no matter what our interests are. Nothing works perfectly, conflict and annoyance distort the hours. To channel these feelings of rejection and irritation, the first step is to recognize that we are experiencing anger. This simple fact alone increases the possibilities of channeling this energy in an intelligent way.

As mentioned before, this emotion has different facets. Basically, it is divided into four categories:

  • Uncontrolled anger.
  • Anger “infected” or transferred from one person to another.
  • Wrath to hide another unconscious feeling that the person cannot consciously accept.
  • Anger that stems from lack of assertiveness.

In turn, anger processes originate mainly from four sources: fear, frustration, doubt, and guilt. Anger resolves neither fear nor frustration nor doubt nor guilt. What it does is give them a dangerous exit.

It produces a feeling of momentary release but does not eliminate the causes of the problem. In addition, it has the aggravation of feeding itself. The more anger we feel, the more likely it will be able to control us and be intensified. That’s how it works.

woman walking on the sea

The most effective way out is far from repressing it or releasing it without control. The way is to accept that we feel anger and bring it to awareness. So it starts to deactivate. It only takes 10 seconds to do this exercise.

It is important to try to identify what the real source of irritation is. This gives us clues as to the path to solving the problem behind this.

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