Beating Daily Challenges

overcoming daily challenges

Today’s world is very competitive, individualistic, selfish. People think only about themselves, they are busy solving their own problems, involved in social media. Few people get together with friends to talk, and those who do, mostly stay on their cell phones, not paying attention to those around them.

This way of living has created many sick, anxious, depressed, worried people who, despite having many financial resources, knowledge, and everything being apparently well, cannot be happy, do not enjoy what they have.

The biggest villain is the Depression, in its various forms and nuances, bringing with it discouragement, hopelessness, despair and lack of motivation to live. It affects children, teenagers, adults and the elderly; rich, poor, wise and lay people can all face this evil at some point in their lives.

win challenges

Whether after a great loss, or not knowing why, issues that were gradually accumulating, it was gradually installed. Suddenly you saw yourself like this (even with reasons to be happy, you have money, you have family, you have friends) you feel an emptiness in your soul, life seems to have no meaning.

It’s also painful to see the incomprehension of others, to feel that people don’t understand what’s going on, many judge, criticize, tell you to raise your head and get on with it. They say you have no right to be like that, they accuse you of ingratitude, lack of faith, laziness, etc.

In many cases, the physical body also suffers, it is a pain in the chest, head, shoulders, it appears that the weight of the world is on you, and you feel that you are a weight for others. Guilt torments you, you feel responsible for everything bad that happens around you.

In these moments, many think that the solution is to die, it seems that only death will take away this pain, that the surrounding problems will end if your life ends. Some people even plan this death, and unfortunately, many succeed, leaving a trail of sadness and pain.

Death is not the solution, no one wants to die, what one wants is to end suffering, so death seems to be the best way out, but it isn’t! There are other ways to deal with the problem, there is treatment, in which those close to you will not suffer either, which would happen if you were to commit suicide.

challenges for your goal

But the good news is that there is a way out, that all is not lost, there is a way to start again. If it was possible to get into this situation, so is getting out. It may be a longer process for some than for others, but change is always possible!

Exercise your Faith, seek help from a professional in the area. Don’t suffer alone, there are many people willing to support you, to lend your shoulder to cry on, available to listen to you, welcome your pain and help you out of it.

I know how difficult it is, in your current situation, to believe in something better, but I have to say that it is possible. Overcoming daily challenges, fighting one day at a time, not giving in to despair, but trusting that things will change and, with the right help, you will make it!

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