Being Patient In A Day Of Anger Can Avoid A Hundred Days Of Sadness

Being patient in a day of anger can prevent a hundred days of sadness

Being patient is not being fragile or cowardly. Sometimes it’s much better to remain silent and quiet your anger than to lose everything in a moment of uncontrolled anger. Because patience is the virtue of calm hearts, able to understand that being prudent in a day of anger can avoid a hundred days of sadness.

We’ve all experienced moments like this. In fact, sometimes we inhabit the “epicenter” of very demanding environments that test our resilience and this skill that we must have as good emotional managers. Anger is like a trigger that goes off when we lose control and that, far from releasing our emotions, often has side effects that no one wants.

When talking about these two virtues, which are silence and patience, it seems that these dimensions are more associated with passivity, to those who are incapable of reacting. We shouldn’t see it like that. Wise silence that is non-aggressive and patient allows you to calm the mind to act with greater balance, with more assertiveness and moderation.

Being patient, the skill of good emotional managers

When we speak of anger, anger, or irritation, we imagine almost instantly the image of a small child with cheeks swollen to the point of screaming. Children’s pranks are in themselves an important dimension, which far from considering banal, we must know how to listen so that children learn to manage their emotions. Unfortunately, they don’t disappear with adulthood.

There are those who choose to “swallow” their anger. Act as if nothing had happened. Aware that the days of screaming and tantrums are behind him, he chooses simply to hide his anger, his frustration. It’s not adequate and it’s not healthy. It is also unwise to allow an excess of anger to break out, like a wild horse driven by anger to create situations as uncomfortable as they are destructive.

Good emotional managers learn early that two of the most complex enemies to deal with are undoubtedly anger and anger. In addition, they are related to several physiological changes that further intensify the feeling of negative and threat. So, when controlling an enemy, the best thing is to get to know him.

lion horse

Knowing a common enemy, wrath

There are people who get angry more or less often. The reason for these individual differences could be explained by a lower tolerance to frustration, or even by certain genetic indicators.

  • Anger arises in our brain because of a slight imbalance between serotonin, dopamine and nitrous oxide. All of this can make some people more prone to outbursts of anger and rage.
  • According to an interesting article published in The New York Times by psychiatrist Richard Friedman, anger can be shown also as a result of a covert depression.

An uncontrolled uprising that is not properly rationalized or managed can lead to frustration and unease. When anger floods the brain because of the effect of this neuronal chemical, several physiological changes take place that will further increase the negative emotion. Anger gallops uncontrollably.

We must not hide the revolt, nor let it turn into a fit of rage. It needs to be understood and channeled properly so that it does not suffocate, so that it does not hurt or look for victims on which to project anger.

arm in flames

Patience, calm and assertive behavior to deal with annoyances

Be wary of someone who says  “he or she never gets mad” . We all go through injustices, we hear silly words and comments as unfair as they are offensive. Now, before letting anger act as the lighter that ignites the fire of anger, it is necessary to reflect a few moments on these dimensions.

  • Name what bothers you. Don’t just be with the sensations, with that discomfort that turns your stomach and locks your mind. Describe in concrete words what bothers you.
  • Look for calm for a few moments, close yourself in your “thinking palace”. It’s a peaceful and serene space that only belongs to you, visualize a place where you let go of anger and negative emotions to lock yourself in with “reason”. Think now which is the best option given what bothers you.
  • Assertly express the reason for your upset. It is useless to “swallow” what harms us, because annoyances are not kept under the bed, they are expressed in the form of respectful words to clearly show what hurts us, what we do not want.
  • Control, restructure and change scenery. One of the best ways to manage anger and anger is to control aspects such as breathing or even mental processes that can further enhance negative emotion. Don’t look for the culprits, turn off mental noise and irrational thoughts.
girl with white dove

Sometimes something as simple as walking, taking a deep breath, and looking for a visual spot on the horizon to rest your mind and turn off the irritant switch can save you from all those external pins that abound in everyday life. It is necessary to launch yourself in the world with a calm heart, knowing your own limits, and knowing that there will be bad times, without a doubt, but the good times abound and are our reason for being…

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