“Children Of Silence”: In A Place Where Words Are Not Needed

The eighties left many masterpieces to remember, and among them, this one that I bring today in film form. We are talking about the feature film entitled ‘Children of Silence’, whose original title was “Children of a lesser god”. It starred William Hurt (James) and Marlee Matlin (Sarah) and she won an Oscar for Best Actress for her authentic portrayal.

This film tells the story of a deaf-mute girl who, contrary to all predictions, lives an affair with her special education teacher, which she ends up falling in love with. A story that invites reflection on everything that we can transmit with our body and that represents the truest part of our own interior.

The key scene is the one that takes place in the pool of a beach house, where gestural communication between them appears. In this exchange of messages, the attraction they feel for each other becomes explicit, creating a process of conquest in which words and verbal communication are not present, but in which they are not necessary either.

Children of Silence: The Power of Nonverbal Communication

Words are often not necessary to demonstrate our feelings and affections. We speak of the manifest power of nonverbal communication, a way to convey messages so powerful that it doesn’t need any vocal complement to touch another person’s soul.

Nonverbal communication is less conscious than verbal communication, so it is more reliable and more difficult to manipulate. Also, consider that with words we usually don’t reveal more than 10% of the information we want to convey.

Returning to the scene in the movie, not a single word is heard, but a passionate conversation in which James asks questions with sincere and loyal looks, which Sarah responds with caresses. Note that there is nothing that can generate doubts, that there are no second interpretations, that the feeling IS REAL.

The authenticity of looks

The visual system is what is most connected to our emotions. We know this for a fact that when we want to hide our own moods, when we don’t want them to read what we’re really talking about, what we do is look away. Remember that when we want to camouflage an emotion, our gaze is shaky and our eye muscles are uncoordinated.

The look betrays, leaves no escape in front of the other person’s vision, undresses us and holds us at the same time, leaving us speechless. With a look we can fall in love, we can seduce, we can make someone feel important, we can excite, we can attract someone to us forever.

When the person you love looks at you too closely, it can cause a special tingling in your stomach that is otherwise so hard to reach. A close look may be the best refuge you can find because in it you are able to read immense understanding; it can also make you feel like the worst alien in a harsh world. Either way, its power is immense.

A timely look, along with an unexpected caress, can touch another person’s soul more intensely than a pretty word. With a look we are able to overcome all kinds of barriers and limits, because through it we can reveal the most real and intimate part of our interior.

More than listening, you need to feel

After this moment, Sarah will still not be able to say a “I love you”, but probably James doesn’t need to hear it either. No doubt you will already know, because Sarah’s gestures, the expression on her face or her gaze leave no doubt. It’s an open, clear and sincere message, delivered without embellishments.

What this teaches us is how natural it is to show what we feel without the need for words and flattery. It teaches us truth, an endless real attraction, with great doses of passion, sincerity and truthfulness. It teaches us an immense desire to communicate through a silent and, at the same time, involving force.

So, open your eyes, declare yourself with eyes, use your hands and hold on to this person who is important to you. In short, don’t look down or hide your hands or tense your face so as not to smile, love also in silence, and repeated “I love you” won’t be missed because you’ve already said them, and the other person will know it.

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