Creative Unlearning: The Art Of Reinventing Yourself

Creative unlearning: the art of reinventing yourself

Creative unlearning offers us something sensational. If we want to regain our true potential, sometimes there is no choice but to put aside many of our beliefs and learnings to start seeing the world from another perspective. This new vision must be comprehensive, richer in curiosity and criticism. Only then can we reinvent ourselves, only then will we be free.

Talking about creativity is talking about human capital. Think about it for a moment: we are facing a job market where most of us have been trained (educated) in very similar skills and abilities. However, what large companies need is to innovate to position themselves in an increasingly complex and demanding social and economic scenario.

It is not difficult to understand what it means today to have highly creative people and why they are sought after by their scarcity in the market. These profiles are what provide the “spark” in the rusty gears of many organizations, when any change in a stagnant phase is, without a doubt, an advance, a valuable achievement. In itself and for what it means to break with an inertia of immobility.

Furthermore, we cannot neglect what it entails on a personal level to be much more creative, more open to complexity and more resourceful when it comes to giving answers to life’s problems. That mental flexibility and skill is a great way to invest in our personal growth.

Have innovative ideas

Creative unlearning: I choose to grow

Be like the others or be someone capable of standing out. Living trapped in monotony and mediocrity or choosing to grow in every way: emotional, personal and professional… Which would you choose? As Aristotle once said, happiness must be the purpose for which the rest is collected. For this, it is essential to assimilate and train the psychological and emotional resources that will allow us to evolve towards the person we want to be.

One way to achieve this is to train ourselves in precisely that capacity that we all have, which comes from the factory: creativity. If we have doubts about this, if we think that if there is one thing that characterizes us is being unoriginal and uncreative, it is worth reading Alice W. Flaherty’s book, “The Midnight Disease”.

In it, we can explain how our own emotions, experiences and even the educational systems are “ putting ” us, slowly erasing our spark, our creative potential, our motivations…

So, to “heal” ourselves, reinvent ourselves and awaken our dormant potential, we have to implement creative unlearning. For this, nothing better than training.

The importance of breaking away from the unique look

Reinventing yourself is not easy, because reinventing yourself, if you think about it, causes fear. It is little more than an act of birth in which we leave behind part of what we were before to make way for a different “me”. How to get this change? It’s true that companies value innovation and creativity, but somehow, society itself prefers the passive, we prefer the silent, docile and with similar preferences.

Reinventing yourself is a challenge that not everyone is prepared for. We have to be able, therefore, to break with the single gaze; simply “awakening”, awakening to reconnect with our essence, and in turn taking all that inner value outward, in your own voice, decisively and creatively.

Below are some keys to achieving or at least reflecting on this important task.

Awaken creativity

3 keys to creative unlearning

  • Creative unlearning does NOT mean forgetting or pressing the “reset” to eliminate everything that we were told, taught or transmitted. Above all, it means knowing how to question and never accepting unique views or unquestionable truths.
  • Unlearning also proposes that we work to maximize our emotional intelligence. Many of our emotions, habits, beliefs and attitudes impede our creativity.
  • Another aspect that we must work on is flexibility. Many of our lives and emotional experiences can make us almost unconscious, applying very rigid and limited thinking only to what we consider right or acceptable. However, being able to open ourselves to experiment, to be flexible, to practice critical and self-critical, will certainly allow us to improve our human potential.

In conclusion, it is important to emphasize once again that we can all be more creative, freer, more sophisticated when it comes to providing answers to vital problems. Therefore, let us not hesitate to train this skill.

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