Do You Know The ‘thought Stop’ Technique?

Do you know the 'thought stop' technique?

Ruminant or obsessive thoughts are a series of ideas generated by fear and worry that disturb us. We go round and round in our minds without being able to do anything. This mental dynamic is very destructive for anyone, as it creates stress and anxiety, in addition to a clear general malaise. That’s why the thought-stopping technique can be a great option for putting an end to this vicious circle of bad feelings.

Obsessive-type thoughts never got anyone anywhere. Let’s imagine that we have just delivered a great project, but doubts and fears arise about its validity and quality. It’s very possible that we can’t stop thinking about it, but would that be helping us?

How to get out of a maelstrom of obsessive thoughts

People who suffer from obsessive thoughts believe they have control over our minds. They are not aware that they are the ones responsible for feeding them, they themselves are allowing them to keep turning and turning in their minds, even if there has been no indication that the worry will actually materialize. When that happens, when we even get a headache from it, the thought-stopping technique can help.

The ideal is that we know how to identify the beginning of a possible rumination cycle, in order to put this technique into practice right away. In this way, we will prevent anxiety from growing and discomfort from taking over. It is also possible that at first it seems difficult to put this brake on, and that the thought-stopping technique seems useless. This may be because it requires systematic training. Let’s see how it’s possible to practice.

Woman dealing with conflicting thoughts

The thought stop technique

The thought-stopping technique is an exercise that many psychologists recommend. It is recommended that, when we realize that we are starting a process of rumination, we look for and isolate ourselves in a space where we will not be disturbed. Later on, when we have practice in this technique, this part will no longer be necessary and we will be able to use the procedure in practically any environment and context. Now, alone and without anyone, let’s take some time to reflect on this thought that disturbs us so much.

Let’s try to focus on it instead of avoiding it, ignoring it or running away. Don’t want attention? So here it is: I will give you all the attention in the world even if my fear or anxiety increases. Let’s keep your attention on the thought for at least a minute. The moment we can’t take it anymore, and this thought is at its peak, with anxiety and fear so strong that they seem unbearable, let’s scream out loud and without any shame: NOW ENOUGH!

'Stop' sign on rural road

We can choose any other word that fits in the same context. The important thing is that when we scream we must realize that all these thoughts in our mind stop for a few seconds. Once we’ve done that, we can get out of the isolated environment. Even though the difference in feelings may seem small at first, we will notice that we become more and more relaxed. But calm down, it’s not over yet. We have to go back and reenter that comfortable environment alone.

When we return to the environment, we must repeat the same process. Also, when we speak the word, we will now speak in a calmer way. As we move in and out of the environment, it is likely that we will already be able to stop thinking without saying the word aloud by the fourth time or so. There will come a time when we will give “enough” only in our minds, and we will have the same effect as if we had screamed out loud.

Practice leads to perfection

This exercise should be practiced frequently until it is mastered. In this way, the time will come when we will be able to do it automatically, even when surrounded by people, and none of them will notice what is happening.

After a while, we won’t have to do the process consciously anymore. It will be our mind, without any voluntary and conscious act, that will react like this when it understands that that cycle of bad thoughts has started. In this way, the cognitive cost employed will be very low and we will be able to remain focused on the conversation we are having, or on the environment, without suffering any consequences.

man with cloud in place of head

Obsessive thoughts that affect many people can limit and hinder them to the level of preventing them from doing their job, enjoying their life, exercising or doing any other activity without thinking about what is chasing them and trying to get them feel bad. But we have power over them.

That’s why with the thought-stopping technique, we can stop this process. And even if someone can’t eliminate all obsessive thoughts, decreasing the length of time they stay around will already have benefits, and make them a little less intrusive. Then, we can go on with life, enjoying leisure time, working and doing our activities without these thoughts harming us, our bodies and our lives.

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