Don’t Look For Ideal Love, Build True Love

Don't look for ideal love, build true love

I don’t believe in an ideal love, but in those inexplicable loves that sweep us up and involve us with intense and confused feelings, and that make us think about building a real love, a true love .

We all have in mind what our ideal love is like. We attribute to this physical image many values, perfect traits, where our greatest happiness is hidden.

Dreaming is not bad; we need illusion to live in this difficult and complex world. However, when it comes to love, we have to act with our feet on the ground and an open mind.

Don’t idealize; there are no perfect loves. There are people with flaws and virtues that can match your needs and shortcomings.

We invite you to reflect on this: don’t look for an ideal love, build a real, true and conscious love.

The pillars that build conscious relationships

You may have heard of conscious relationships. They are, as it were, the opposite of romantic or unconscious love.

We know that many of you will be affected by our criticism of romantic love, but it contains a number of dimensions that are very dangerous to our emotional balance.

– Romantic love symbolizes the idealization of the loved one, and the construction of a character that does not correspond to reality.

– Romanticism or ideal love is a reflection of attachment, of the need to have and possess the other, as the only way to be happy.

– This does not mean that in true love we cannot show affection, affection and care. It is about building a conscious love, through a healthy relationship where there is no need to subjugate or have obsessive attachments.

ideal love

The key is to build healthy bonds that are harmonious and where the couple’s personal growth is respected.

How can we find and build a mature and conscious relationship:

1- Don’t look, become the person worth being with

Finding the “perfect person” or the “ideal person” cannot be your goal in life.

Life is a continuous learning, where every relationship from the past left an experience and memories that are part of you. Your past failures don’t define what you are today, they just teach you to walk more carefully.

Don’t look, let it happen, taking care of your self-esteem, knowing what you want and keeping your distance from what can cause suffering.

Try to develop, grow inside every day and appreciate the person who is reflected in your mirror. Your inner happiness, balance and emotional maturity are the best gifts you can give your partner.

2- Develop your personal and emotional balance

It could be that your heart is bruised from a previous relationship, with some wound that needs to be cauterized.

– After a failure or breakup, it is necessary to recover the bond with ourselves; with who we are, with our needs and with our inner voice. You’ve spent a lot of energy with the other person and it’s time to prioritize yourself.

– Lose your fear of loneliness or being abandoned. You have to learn to be alone, without letting it become dramatic for you.

– Recover your self-esteem, your self-love and union with yourself. Accept yourself as you are, with what you have and what you have learned, to fill the gaps and needs that we somehow hope others will fill.

ideal love

3- Loving is easy, but building true love takes effort

Some loves suddenly arrive and sweep us away. As we said at the beginning, they are inexplicable loves.

No matter how it started, the essential thing is to build a relationship with respect, balance and complicity on a daily basis.

Building conscious love requires goodwill on both sides, understanding differences and valuing everything that unites them.

Remember: stop looking for an ideal or perfect love. We are all imperfect beings striving every day to build a perfect life. And that is what matters…

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