Don’t Tell Everyone About Your Life

Don't tell everyone about your life

I just watch what excessive exhibitionism can do in the lives of these celebrities. Every day I see these people reaping what they sow. Not always throwing everything on social media can bring fame, power and money, sometimes it can bring other very bad things too.

Actually, I don’t feel the slightest desire to talk about everything about my life, but there are those who like it, or at least appreciate it until they suffer something that can definitely affect their life. There are people who beat their chests and say: “my life is an open book”, as if everything they did was correct and interesting to the point of exposing to others, waiting for approval or just to cause. Others want followers, finally, there are many obscure reasons.

false happiness in life

Nobody in this world has a collection of only interesting, perfect and exemplary facts. I wish! But it’s not, no. I have a lot not to show. I’m not perfect and no one is either. Inside me I carry those unwanted little things, which are not even close to admirable. My inevitable pettiness, my pettiness, my shame and my sins. There are things that only interest me. That just bothers me. At most, to one or another person willing to flip through my pages and then close the book again, perhaps to help me, advise me, or accuse me.

Perfect people are too tired, even because they don’t exist, but there are many out there who want to offer them as a truth. Even if perfection was given to me, God forbid to show it around like someone looking for a prize. Count for what? I keep it with me. In secret. My grandmother and yours said well: in a closed mouth, no mosquitoes can enter. And from there doesn’t come out either what doesn’t have to come out. Wise grandparents!

When you have a dream, a desire, a desire, speak only to the few you can trust, or if you prefer, don’t speak to anyone. After you have already started, reaping the fruits of what you sowed, then you speak. Not before! Do not go around showing perfection or happiness too much, it bothers people, especially the needy and envious.

I know that many celebrities offer this on a daily basis, in a futile and empty society like ours, we look at and fantasize about a perfect world, we inwardly desire to have a life like theirs. But they suffer too. Keeping a fantasy in a life full of spotlights is more tiring than for us mere mortals. This can be seen in countless cases of drug abuse, depression and suicide in this environment.

false impression in life

As interesting as it may seem to be seen (or to imagine), our life is not an open book. There are things that no one needs to know. There are things we can’t be proud of. There are things that shouldn’t even have happened. Telling everyone what no one asked, to please, attack or just get attention, is nothing but a dreadful waste of time.

Unlike what you think about yourself, a person who tells everyone about his life to everyone is not someone interesting and admirable. It’s a creature who doesn’t know himself yet, who hasn’t learned the meaning of his life. As much as we should not value our mistakes, each difficulty experienced is a learning experience. Falling and getting up is part of the same process as living. Show everyone that your life is wonderful, perfect, fashion, rich, stupendous, it’s nothing more than living on an outright lie!

Poor one who wants this for himself, who looks at the lives of others looking for a way to live his own life.

Nobody can live for you. No one can fully feel your pain. Nobody can know how you perceive and react to situations. So, stop reading the other person’s book of life and write yourself your story, through their lenses, their feelings, their difficulties.

It’s combined like this: share only what can be useful to other people. If it’s things that only concern you, your family, your job, your dreams, your relationship, only you take care of it. It will be more prudent. You will be happier. Because the only certainty of exposing life to everyone is that we give them the right to charge us for it. For what? So make sure that even if it’s not the best copy out there, at least you don’t owe anyone anything. That’s one less weight.

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