Fail! The One Who Fails The Least Is Also The One Who Tries The Least

Fail!  The one who fails the least is also the one who tries the least

Fail, do it again. Err. Because only in this way will it be possible to obtain the necessary learning for when it is time to obtain the success and success that you so long for. There is no other way to learn that is not through mistakes and successes, or through the mistakes and successes of others.  To think that we are better the less we make mistakes is completely absurd.

What would have happened to Thomas Edison if he had given up trying the hundredth time his light bulbs didn’t work? Let us remember that he achieved success only after 999 failures. He failed several times and, instead of thinking that he had no capacity not to make mistakes, he realized that all mistakes were responsible for all of us currently having artificial light in our homes. When he tried for the thousandth time, he succeeded.

“He who fails is less valuable as a person”

Look how exaggerated! How many times have our ears heard that phrase. Unfortunately, perfectionism is the order of the day in our society and there is neither the margin nor the patience to develop our most potent creative mechanism: that of trial and error.

Since we are very young, we are encouraged and encouraged to compete and always get ten grades. Instead of being congratulated for finding a wrong path, but still having the opportunity to look for a better one, we are punished for it, and even, on some occasions, we hear judgments such as “you’re not good for this”, “you’ve always been bad at math , it’s not your thing”, or “you’ve done it wrong the other time, you’ll never learn”.

magnifying glass

That said, it seems like an exaggeration, as while you are reading this article you are certainly also calm, in a tranquil state. But when our patience is at the edge of the abyss, the truth is that for most it is very difficult to control this kind of thinking.

Our irrational thoughts make us suffer when something goes wrong, so much so that they often manage to make us abandon our goals, projects and desires. In this way, we are saved from any new flaws that might shake our self-esteem even a little bit.

That’s why it would be helpful for us to learn to be more tolerant of ourselves, to reduce our demands, and to let go of the great fantasy of being perfect human beings. The human being fails! It’s your nature, it’s normal and it’s what it has to be.

It is not written anywhere but within our own minds that failing makes us foolish, stupid or anything negative. While it neither defines us nor brings any value to doing things very successfully.

fail or stand idly by

Can choose. If your fear of failure is so great that it prevents you from getting up again and trying again, in the long run things are likely to go very wrong. Because the thought that “it’s good for nothing” will be nurtured, as you condemn yourself to it with so much fear that you are not able to reach any goal.

That way then you will get rid of any chance of falling. But you will also miss out on very interesting things like learning, excelling or noticing any improvement in any activity. Also, it will be very difficult for you to savor a reward from a great effort.

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