Good People Hide Scars In Their Souls

Good people hide scars in their souls

Good people carry stardust in their pockets to do the impossible for others, to give them joy and happiness, but sometimes giving everything for nothing hurts, and there are many scars we struggle to hide.

We are sure you know this feeling. There are people who do not know very well where the boundary between them and others is, and far from establishing it, they do not differentiate between mine and yours. Or worse, the only way they understand life is to make others happy.

Good people are neither weak nor naive, good people only understand the language of respect and affection that knows humility and altruism. Maybe that’s why they never fit into a world full of selfishness and fleeting, emotions that don’t last and promises that are broken overnight.

The world is not always what we would like it to be, nor how we feel it in our hearts. There are dissonances and out of tune feelings. Therefore, we also have to get used to chaos, and especially, learn to say “enough” when necessary, when our self-esteem is undermined.

Good people hide battles that others don’t see

Good people are much more than they show. They hide battles that only they know, they silence words and bitterness sealed with kind smiles because they do not wish to appear weak, or to direct their laments to others. They are humble and carry their own weight in spite.

When defining this kindness that does not know how to define limits, and that sometimes ends up being hurt, we mention the following characteristics:

  • There are people who understand their happiness by giving everything for others. They attend to and care in a very deep way for everything that is part of their social circle, and beyond. They are also very sensitive to “the pain of the world”, to inequalities, to the suffering of others.
  • This sensitivity sometimes makes them perform actions that others do not understand: doing favors to people they hardly know, or taking their altruism to unusual situations.
  • Good people rarely say “no” to something, and it’s not because they lack personality or aren’t assertive. It’s because, from the bottom of their heart, they don’t hesitate to invest time and effort in people who ask for it.
  • For good people, there is no greater happiness than giving joy to others, seeing smiles and feeling useful, seeing that what they do is meaningful and enriching.

The main problem with all this is that they are able to give everything until they are empty of strength, breath and energy. And they do it so often that the rest of the world takes it for granted that they don’t need anything, that they are always willing, and that behind their smiles there are more smiles… However, this is not always the case.

Because behind their awake, kind faces, there are scars. Emptiness of those who sometimes abused their kindness out of selfishness, who saw only the favors, the love that didn’t ask for anything and the affection that never ends, but not the person behind them.

woman surrounded by flowers

Good people can also say “enough”

Good people can and should know how to say “enough” at the right time, because sometimes others unravel them day by day until they are stripped of self-esteem, values ​​and integrity. Don’t allow it, don’t let yourself be carried over to the edge of the abyss.

In fact, it’s not at all easy to set limits or say enough when we spend half our lives giving in and giving more than our soul would allow. However, we must be clear about this: we are not iron nor our hearts a rock. We are flesh and emotions, which are often damaged and fragmented.

  • If you are able to give care and dedication to others, you must also be able to understand who deserves your efforts and who doesn’t.
  • Nobody is selfish for prioritizing themselves a little every day, for saying “no” to someone who doesn’t take you into account and makes you feel like someone you’re not. Because whoever manipulates it with the nets of selfishness neither appreciates nor respects it.
  • Giving happiness, attention and joy to others is the noblest value that exists, the very one that defines it. Don’t let others make you regret what you are and what you feel. It’s just a matter of setting limits, of cultivating your own happiness too, so that you can share it with others.
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