How To Activate Our Alpha Waves

How to activate our alpha waves

The electrical impulses that the brain emits and that travel through our neurons are called brain waves. We have 4 different types of brain waves. These electrical impulses traveling through neurons serve to perform a function. Thanks to electroencephalograms or also called ECGs, the effect of these waves can be studied in depth.

What do these 4 types of waves do?

  • Alpha waves. These are waves of relaxation. The waves that are activated right before bed, when we are resting, we are spending a relaxed day sunbathing on the beach or the feeling we have right after taking a hot shower.
  • Beta waves. These are the waves opposite to the previous ones. These are the highest speed waves and they happen when we are working fast, when we are stressed, listening to noise or studying. They represent intense activity in the brain. For example, people with anxiety often produce too many Beta waves.
  • Theta waves. They are responsible for the state we describe as having “their head elsewhere” or “being in the world of the moon”. They also produce relaxation and allow us to come up with creative ideas. They bring us into a kind of drowsy state.
  • Delta waves. These are the ones that happen during deep sleep.

The 4 types of waves are present at all times, although one can predominate over the others at any given time. In this sense, there is research showing that we can contribute to generating our alpha waves, which are the ones that produce relaxation. In this age when we’re all so stressed out, nervous, trapped in cities full of noise, work overload and horns, we can activate our alpha waves with simple gestures.

Alpha Waves help us focus, see our goals more clearly, soothe us and help us to have fewer fears, improve memory, help us lose weight and quit smoking, and strengthen the immune system.

How to activate your alpha waves

1. Count slowly from 100 to 1.

2. Sit or lie down on the bed, close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Take deep breaths.

3. Listen to relaxing music. It is also proven that Baroque music promotes alpha waves. Even if you’re working, try to fight your Beta waves with the Alpha you’ll get by listening to music while you work.

And what is the Silva Method? It is a method devised by José Silva to improve the Intellectual Quotient through a state of deep relaxation generating Alpha Waves. Several scientific researches endorse this method.

Listen to this music video to relax and activate alpha waves. Does it work for you? Check it out for yourself!

Photo courtesy of Lenscap Photography.

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