How To Overcome Childhood Emotional Scars?

How to overcome childhood emotional scars?

Since we are born, we are internalizing and learning everything that happens around us.

Even if no one knows exactly how a newborn feels, this does not mean that he or she is not experiencing various emotions and feelings. Long before verbal language, human beings use emotional language, which is why we can intuit what pleases and dislikes a baby just a few days old. And in the same way, the baby understands what the feelings and emotions of those around him are.

From birth we are building our inner world from what we receive from the outer world.

Everything we receive from a very young age  generates in us certain emotions, and these, depending on their impact, will remain imprinted in our subconscious forever.

The influence of emotions

Emotions influence us depending on their emotional impact, that is, the degree and type of emotion we experience.

The emotional impact depends on the activation of a part of the brain, the “emotional brain”, and is linked to the importance that the emotion has caused in the person, whether adult, child or baby.

There is the positive emotional impact, that is, those episodes or situations that produce very pleasant feelings, but there will also  be other situations that will produce unpleasant feelings, evoking strong emotions and inevitably leaving their imprint on our brain.

When leaving its mark, the emotion that marked us will produce feelings throughout life, in situations that remind the brain of that unpleasant situation experienced.

Where are emotional marks stored?

Emotional marks stay in the subconscious. That is why, in most occasions, we cannot explain why a bad feeling arises in a certain situation, or why we feel fear or a block in front of a person or circumstance.

The explanation is very hidden from our conscious mind, however, there are stored emotionally unpleasant experiences that put us on alert to protect us from re-living them.

It is an automatic activation that produces fear, blockage, insecurity and discomfort. However, the subconscious mind knows the hidden explanation of all reactions.

How can we erase an emotional imprint?

In many cases, working therapeutically with the present being and with what is conscious of the person could be enough as they strengthen and rebuild aspects of the personality that were weakened since childhood.

In other cases, it is necessary to use some therapeutic technique to access the person’s subconscious and reconstruct the damage caused by those situations experienced in childhood or years ago, even if there is no awareness of this situation.

For this, among others, the technique of hypnosis is very efficient, as it allows you to heal, rebuild and heal, in a trance state, the pain caused and stored in the emotional brain.

The most used procedures are:

– Recover the inner child to strengthen him and give him the love and affection he may have lacked.

– Reconstruct the situation in which the pain was experienced

Visualize yourself with strategies and abilities to face avoided situations.

Learn attitudes and skills to overcome and grow.


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