I Feel So Bad, Now I Just Enjoy Life

I feel so bad, now I just enjoy life

There comes a time in our lives when we get tired of dramas; of ours, those we create in our head, and those around us.

We also feel tired of evaluating ourselves, turning around past mistakes and opening wounds that make us look masochistic.

There are people who always know how to balance and don’t turn their lives into a valley of tears. Others, however,  cross this valley of tears an infinite number of times.


But suddenly,  a satiety appears in some people, a deep laziness  to follow the same route of very strong emotions… it may be that they simply can’t do it anymore, or they’ve learned that it’s no good.

Our  energy  escapes us.

So if you find yourself at that point, don’t be uneasy about this new feeling in you.

You are ready for a new stage, which will be splendid

– You  will start acting not so that others will approve, but because you really want to do that.

– You will  think less and feel more.

– You will begin to enjoy the small pleasures in life.

– Will close steps with padlock and key.

– Thinking about yourself doesn’t seem selfish anymore.

– You will no longer compare yourself to others, you yourself are the mirror where you must look to correct and improve; will be the reference to improve your life.

autumn landscape

– You will be grateful for   constructive criticism and learn to make them too.

– You will be assertive enough not to go to parties you do not feel like with people you do not want to see.

– You will give without waiting to receive, but you will learn to know where the limit of generosity and interest is.

–  Will no longer analyze comments and contempt. You will use this time to plan important things.

– It will  improve  in everything you propose, because you will know that if you don’t do it for yourself, nobody will.

– Playing the victim is useless. You will take control of your life  and strongly accept defeat. They are yours, you must not explain them.

– You will ask for help only when you know it exists, and people will do so from the heart.

– You know that  few friends give calm and security.  Having many is not synonymous with being more accompanied.

– Your values ​​are reaffirmed with every step you take.

– You will replace laziness with will.

– Will use technology to communicate, but will not be its slave.

– Destructive reviews will be read and archived without cause.

– Problems will arise, but their existence will help to relativize and resolve them. You won’t worry, you will act.

to relax

– It may be that you have not deserved so many disappointments in your life, but you realize that so much pain has turned into maturity, calm and serenity.

Now that you are happy to get to know yourself and others (even if it doesn’t interest you so much anymore), this facet of you becomes irresistible. Because there’s nothing more magnetic than feeling good in your own skin and mind.

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