I Have A Proposal For You: Show Me The Beauty Of Life

I have a proposal to make you: show me the beauty of life

Teach me the beauty of life. What hides behind your smile. That which makes you wake up with the force of a hurricane and infuses me with energy. Teach me what’s behind that gaze that gets lost in infinity, enjoying everything you see.

Tell me how you enjoy the smell of rain… even if it gets soaked. Getting wet grass is your greatest pleasure. Explain to me if you are the one drawing the rainbows in the sky or if it is a coincidence. Yes, the same one you produce when the drops run down my hands and the sky turns gray, when you remind me that water gives color to our lives.

Remind me how cute it is when you put the pirate’s eye patch on that eye that only sees negative things. Tell me over and over again that we all go through storms, but as soon as they come, they also go away. Don’t let me drown in my sorrows and abandon myself when sadness tries to convince me that the only alternative I have left is to complain.

Teach me how beautiful it is to see the colors and beauty of life

Tell me what the trick is to stop seeing the world in black and white and turn it into multicolored. Tell me something so that I can see everything differently and so that what I take with me, what I drag, doesn’t weigh so much. Help me to stop thinking about what hurts and breaks me, what is going wrong every moment. As if life were a complete failure that piles up on my back and fills me with despair. How do you, when this happens to you, to make sure it doesn’t contaminate everything? How do you turn a black hole into a star?

Learn to see the colors and beauty of life

Remind me of the beauty of clouds, even if they keep the sun away. Let me know when I forget and don’t savor the details around me. Make me think that in life there are absolutes that are very little absolute, far beyond what we can think, imagine, or hope for.

Scream if you have to. Repeat over and over again that the beauty of life can be everything, because it is always up to us to choose the meaning of what happens. We all fall, we all rise, but only a few know how to get something positive out of what brought us down.

Teach me not to surrender and to trust my worth

Teach me not to surrender and to trust my worth. Because I see myself as small to face this world where there are no shortage of obstacles and avenues with many lanes and no traffic lights. The truth is, I’m afraid of falling into an obstacle bigger than me. Above all,  teach me not to have to teach myself, not to depend on anyone because no one is worth more than me.

The beauty of life is indescribable

Remind me that in life we ​​walk alone, even if there are people like you who give us a hand. This is very important, because teaching me is not tying me up, teaching me is not making me depend. Teaching me is showing me the way to be free and, thus, the way to face what makes my world not always fit with what I expect.

Because the beauty of life, of every beat, is learning the good from those around you. Accept the evil that comes, either to change it or to integrate it into my story in a way that doesn’t hurt me. Smile at all you can or at least try, because the attempt itself is worth it. And live, live without fear until you run out of breath. Teach me that the beauty of life is this. Finally, remind me that in order to appreciate the good in life, I have to dare to let go of your hand and appreciate everything you’ve taught me.

Signed: a student, your student, who looks at you with hope.

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