I Love People Who Look With Their Eyes And See With Their Heart

I love people who look with their eyes and see with their heart

I like simple and transparent  people , people who are able to show the authentic reflection of who they are, and who also allow us to be ourselves at all times.

Of course, it’s not asking too much, and that’s why, before we also worry about finding authentic people, we should worry about being that kind of person. It’s not nice to expect to be offered something without knowing how to offer it first.

If in your day to day you meet someone who enhances your life in any way: through knowledge, daily support, or that complicity that cannot be explained with words, don’t let them go.

It’s not easy to find people who really connect with our essence, and make our lives easier without asking for anything in return. It is necessary to take care of them as if they were the greatest of treasures, as the most precious possession, because whoever lives a life with his heart can only offer honesty and reciprocity.

People of the Heart, Artisans of Integrity and Empathy

woman with cat

Leading a life entirely from the heart is not easy. It requires, in the first place, to have traveled a long inner journey to acquire adequate self-knowledge. Only in this way can we accept others and ourselves.

As you can see,  it’s not easy to offer this openness, that sincerity by which we let ourselves be involved, that look of someone who knows how to serve us, of someone who understands the language of understanding and small details. Well, but what characteristics are implied in these personalities?

  • There are those who think that sincere and authentic people “come from the factory”, that they are born with this light of their own.
  • In fact, many of them have come a long way in life where they learned to unite their insides, to grow, to mature emotions, wisdom and understanding.
  • The basis of someone who knows how to live with the heart is knowing how to show empathy.
  • Empathy is the best virtue our social brain offers us. I am able to recognize emotions in others because, on the other hand, I properly recognize and manage my own.
  • Whoever is able to offer such an integral opening, where the gaze not only reads a face, but goes beyond the physical envelope, is also able to feel in himself what the other suffers, what the other experiences.

This kind of “connection” so exceptional appears only a few times. Maybe you only have one or two people with these characteristics in your social circle, it could even be you: someone who lives life from the heart.

girl who sees with the heart

To live life from the heart is to feel the wounds of the world

In certain cases, it is easier to live an existence with a blindfold and a heart full of patches, avoiding feeling, protecting ourselves from painful feelings. In a way it would be like following the famous premise “not to feel not to suffer”.

We could say that the true knowledge lies in those people who suffered at some point in their lives, and knew how to act with strength, obtaining an apprenticeship, becoming stronger. However, in certain cases, this inner strength by no means means being invulnerable to the pain of others.

  • Anyone who has experienced a painful event, whether it is a loss, a disappointment or any traumatic event, is more sensitive to the wounds of the world, to the emotions of others.
  • Their looks are wiser and more skillful when it comes to sensing, noticing, and noticing certain concerns in other people.
  • If this is your case, if you are one of those people who are used to feeling a high intensity of pain from others, sympathizing with those around you, know that everyday life may not be as easy as many people think.

Life lived from the heart is more intense, purer and nobler, but at times it also hurts. It’s not your job to save the whole world, it’s not your job to heal more hearts than yours…

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Nor can we forget that sometimes, there is no better remedy than feeling listened to, attended to, and understood. If as they say, the universe always starts with ourselves, the best way to offer love is to start with understanding.

Image courtesy of Christian Shloe, Marie Cardouat

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