I Want You To Know Things About Me That You Might Not Like

I want you to know things about me that you might not like

If you want to meet me, let’s go ahead. I’m the kind of person who will never ask for forgiveness for who I am. Now, I want you to know everything about me, even those things you might not like or that bother you.

I’m referring to these things that people call defects and are classified according to the point of view of the person analyzing them. I want you to know my faults to consciously choose between going and staying. And if you decide to stay with me, I hope I can be myself, without hiding and without regretting anything.

my faults

You still don’t know what I look like because you just came into my life, so I’ll tell you what I know about me. It took me a long time to get to know myself better: I walked paths with roses and thorns. I’m proud, because I managed to overcome the obstacles and didn’t get caught in the traps along the way.

pink-red-woman in the hair

I don’t forget the past, it is more and more integrated into my life story. What was once wounded is now a scar. I am very reflective, sensitive and understanding. I cry for anything, I make mistakes three times a day, I am indecisive and I believe in feelings, whatever they may be; time takes care of giving them a proper and true meaning.

I believe love is a feeling without limits, of any kind and forever. At this point, I have to admit that I’m romantic to the core, but I hate “Valentine’s Day” and the flowers that serve as blackmail or for not acknowledging a mistake.

As you’ve probably noticed, I’m a bit confused, contradictory, and I want to ask you to understand my nuances. And not only that, I think I’m a little arrogant, generally stubborn and sometimes capricious. There is something that I am a lot like other people: the days when I misbehave and be unfair are the days when I most need affection.

I forget people’s birthdays, credit card passwords, and WhatsApp messages I read the day before. However, you may not hear from me for a while and still call to me if something happens, because I like to listen, to learn, to advise and to be surprised.

The Perfection of Imperfect Relationships

I admire relationships that are like children; they get hurt, bandage them with hydrogen peroxide, band-aid and keep playing.

Following this contradictory line, I defend imperfect relationships because they are perfect ; those who have ups and downs or arguments to reach an agreement. People are different, but they complement each other; make a good team.

bike couple

Within this type of relationship, I defend the space of each one ; a lot of my time will not be for you. Together we will go to the movies, take trips, live great adventures. But we will also do a lot of things on our own. I believe that everyone has unspeakable secrets and we have the right to decide whether we want to share them or not.

On the other hand, dialogue is very important. I am not able to carry on a meaningless conversation with someone for very long and I love those topics that come out of nowhere and we discuss them for days. You will be amazed at my ability to learn, and I want you to learn to teach me.

I need an imperfect relationship, where there are complicated characteristics to reach and overcome. For example, there are things that are hard to accept: I have a terrible bad mood that lasts ten minutes, and there are weeks when anxiety and stress finish me off. Then you will realize that I am one of those women who find the solution to all this in a chocolate or a hug.

I want to be myself with you

For all that, I don’t want to give up being me with you. That messy “me”, but who knows the place of everything in the midst of chaos and who goes crazy if someone changes something; the one who loses everything, even the papers we keep to remember beautiful moments and other stories that you probably also forgot. That way I’ll always have something to tell you, endless letters as proof of love.

I want you to know that I like having coffee or beer with friends and less and less of the parties that go on into the night. That I hate hairdressers and I love the gym, I like to watch dance, but I don’t know how to dance. I like reading, playing video games, watching TV from time to time and I don’t get bored.

I hope that everything that I am fits with everything that you are: art, reading, a tour of the gastronomic world: chocolate ice cream with orange, raisins or coconut. And that the two of us can be ourselves without restrictions.

Now, considering all this, reflect and decide if all these things about me are defects or virtues and make your decision. But let me know what you think.

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