I Wish All Children The Best Version Of My Childhood

I wish all children the best version of my childhood

During holidays or Christmas, we lived as if we were  children,  with a fascinating energy  that made us feel happy, not because we received a gift, but because of the aura of mystery and dreams that made everything seen differently than it did. around. Childhood was full of imagination, dreams and games.

If we remember childhood in this way, it is because at least a part of it was worth it.  We dream of things that were not entirely true, but sometimes imagination is needed in this life. Children dream like crazy, not knowing if they will be disappointed right away, because they still don’t know that when their imaginations are gone, only the truth remains… which, at times, is harsh.

I don’t want to deceive the kids around me, I just want the best version of my childhood for them. I want to make them dream, but I also want to explain to them that regret and fear should not guide their lives.

Childhood is playing by opening the senses

Childhood is about discovering and exploring through the senses.  Every thing that happens around a child is cause for curiosity. They awaken to the world through their senses and it is with them that they will grow and live new experiences.

On many occasions, I have seen how many children have doubts about which Christmas or birthday gift to ask for. I would give you some advice: ask for help to find a secret place, it could be some abandoned place, including that huge school grounds, a house or a park. A hiding place that allows them to take refuge and explore…

You also have to play jumping puddles, even if they get dirty. If they don’t do it as children, as adults it will be much more difficult, and they deserve that feeling. That they live with an animal, when they grow up, they will realize, tearfully recalling, their first and valuable emotional learning.


The point is that,  in childhood, we develop through the senses and there is no better way to start doing this than through play.  Play supposes, for them, an open door to uncertainty and curiosity, as this should not be forgotten.

In childhood wounds are built that last a lifetime

Constructive criticism can help a child get the most out of himself, develop potential emotional skills and abilities that were dormant but dormant. However,  a destructive criticism, bordering on insult or a mockery, can end up being recorded forever.  And if it happens in front of other people, it gains more strength.

I would never wish that for a child. A child needs to feel unique and special, full of love but also discipline.  Giving love to children is never a form of bad parenting. Telling them stories to make them feel so good that they think they are living what they dream is not dangerous either…. Through the magical atmosphere of the stories, values, manners, ambitions, overcoming difficulties, norms of coexistence and how difficult human relationships can be are taught.

Childhood must be full of kisses, hugs and caresses to be good

There is nothing that comforts a child more than attention.  Feeling that when they leave school, someone will come to pick them up and that, in addition, they remembered to bring their favorite treat, makes the children excited. Being greeted with a kiss, a smile or a hug is already perfect for them.

Children are addicted to hugs, they love it! It’s the best way to let them know they’re protected. A hug is proof that your world is safe, even if you are terribly scared at times.  Give hugs as often as you can. Kiss their cheeks without rest when they’ve done something correctly. Children generate endorphins through the continual displays of affection they receive, decreasing their frustration and therefore their aggression.


In childhood, you should feel discipline but not control.

Some parents or guardians think that discipline is obtained through authority, but in fact authority needs to be given as an emphasis on children’s autonomy, to foster their independence, self-control and  self-esteem, something that will last a lifetime.

When a child notices that he has been given confidence, he doesn’t want to betray him.  This trust will boost your autonomy, discovery and validation of your views. You will understand that there will come a time when discipline and discovery go hand in hand, and even if you have a “supervisor” who watches your every step, he will not stop you from taking risks and falling, even if there is always someone to pick you up.

I believe, without a doubt, that  a good childhood prevents, in the future, that we break into pieces again and again, that we are  afraid  or guilty.  That’s why I wish all children the best version of my childhood. Only a generation created like this will be able to fix the evils of this world.

Image credits: Fairy Tales.

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