I’m Already Tired Of Pleasing Others

I'm already tired of pleasing others

I’m tired of pleasing others. I must admit that for a long time I believed that pleasing others was one of the most important things in life. Today I don’t believe in it anymore, and even though it’s important I don’t want to worry about it anymore.

I understood that I am a complete person. Before, I was afraid of being rejected and didn’t accept the idea of ​​someone not liking me. This made my mind completely saturated. I got to the point where there was no more room for myself.

Saying “no” makes me free

I believed that walking through life doing what I wanted was synonymous with being free. Today I understood that there is something more important than that: not doing anything you don’t want.
When you are able to deny someone something, you let go of other people’s desires. Be it your boss, a friend or a family member. At some point you will feel that you are doing something that is of no use to yourself.
girl in the rain
Anyone who says that thanks are worth any sacrifice has not yet realized that pleasing others is a very heavy burden. I learned that saying “no” means freedom.

Today I live my life exactly as I want. This often means, for example, that I stay at home or go out with people much less than I thought was necessary.

Today I like to make decisions

Pleasing others prevents you from being independent and autonomous. In the end, you end up doing what others want because you believe they are more right than you are. Maybe they are, but how can we learn and mature if we don’t make our own decisions?

How to live, what to do, what to feel, where to be… these are things so basic and so important at the same time. Realizing that the only thing that can govern your life is you open an infinite number of doors.

Some people told me that I became more selfish. I actually stayed a little bit, but that doesn’t bother me. Many will say this is bad, but it is not. That’s because even though I live in such a way that my values ​​aren’t put aside, sometimes the people I love can get hurt. But that’s just because I don’t live up to expectations, and I can’t live up to the life they’ve defined for me.

It doesn’t worry me so much because I know whoever cares about me wants the best for me. Others can just walk out of my life. If they didn’t want the best for me, they probably shouldn’t even be with me.

I learned to ask for help

When I got tired of pleasing others I learned that there are a lot of people willing to help. Some people were always by my side, others only when I asked. This is not to say that I matter more to some people than others.
What happens is that everyone has their own life and sometimes they can’t give me that much attention. I learned that true friends are there after all. When they need you, they say. When you need them, they come.
Before, I believed that no one would support me, but I realized that this idea came from my insecurity. Not that I’m perfect today, but I’ve learned to love myself more and trust what I feel.

Said goodbye to toxic relationships

When I stopped pleasing others I also walked away from relationships that were destructive to me. Those who hurt us with words on purpose or who are never by our side when we need them. These people made me feel insecure, and I don’t want them around anymore.

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Today I decided to surround myself only with my true friends. I found it to be much less than I believed, but I have exactly what I need. I am no longer willing to tolerate anything just to be accepted. I decided to say goodbye to even part of my family. Of course this point is more complicated, but if there were things that didn’t make me feel good, I set a limit and now there’s no more!

Pleasing others gets us nowhere

Is that you? Is it the people who walk around afraid of not pleasing everyone? Do you live your life intensely as you want or do you live the life you were told to live? If you still want to please everyone, I invite you to try to live by yourself for awhile.

Give yourself a month of freedom. Get away from everything you don’t like. Put aside what’s comfortable, stop following instructions and live for yourself.  You will discover a feeling of fullness and you will never want to let go of it.

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