It’s A Shame That Changes Occur When They’re No Longer Useful

It's a shame that changes occur when they're no longer useful.

It is a pity that changes occur when they are no longer useful, neither for what they say they bring nor for what they say they do. It is a real waste of energy for those who once claimed and got no answers, and for those who effected change when it was no longer needed.

All changes are welcome if they are positive, but sometimes they can only be positive if they arrive on time. Some arrive years late, others miss the chance to remedy something by arriving a few milliseconds later. Some cure everything immediately, others need to be repeated often before they can effect real change.

The change that is no longer needed just saddens

It’s really a shame that a change comes when the person is tired of waiting and “turned the page”. When feelings, which used to be incessant and impatient, are frozen, non-existent and surrounded by an ash that will never again be part of a fire: it is only proof of their extinction.


It’s a shame that changes come when they’re no longer useful, especially when someone could have done something and didn’t want to. That’s why late changes are so much more painful: they’re hard evidence of what could have been, but wasn’t.

They bring us the certainty of a harsh reality that one day we wish to change, surrounding it with magic and mystery, when there was only rejection and lack of interest. A detachment that human beings use as a protective strategy, but which over time makes us more fragile.

The changes we should never expect

There are changes we should never expect; they are situations that have already started in the wrong way. Perhaps because we have accepted the situation as it is, hoping that we could change it, or because a good situation has turned into something we no longer want.

We often idealize people: we expect reactions, changes, commitments from someone who never thought of creating permanent bonds. No one has the right to ask the other for a change he doesn’t want to make. Do we not understand correctly the messages sent by the other party?

We do not have the right to demand, but we must prevent the other from playing with us. The real change in this situation would start with ourselves: respecting yourself and the values ​​within a relationship. It is necessary to identify what our mistake was: perhaps they were too high expectations. It is necessary to reflect and exercise justice when pointing out a culprit.


Faced with great disillusionment, some prefer to take on the pain of loss for as long as necessary, accept it and move on alone. Others are stuck in this situation waiting for changes that don’t come, anguished over promises that don’t materialize; sighing, pleading, demanding without finding an answer.

Other people change course and situation, and the pain of loss doesn’t even cross their minds. The full stop is written for everyone, but internally some people refuse to use this emotional spelling rule. A rule that is initially fulfilled with pain and sadness, but which, over time, produces a few blank pages, writing the past in the only way it could be… and in fact it was.

The frustration over the change that no longer serves

Frustration over change that no longer serves is the first step toward emotional freedom. It’s not a pleasant path, but we can feel liberated, comforted by being aware that the other person has reacted, even if it’s too late.

But what good is all this if the changes came when the passion was over, when the words of love or friendship resounded like something foreign to our hearts? When they no longer bring with them enthusiasm and joy, but a cold and indifferent response; when not tears of hope but an emotional numbness and coldness?

full moon train

It is late for what might once have been but can no longer be; with no chance of being reborn. That’s why we need to fight for what we want, before countless “I’m sorry” and second chances.

This must be done immediately, because the time may come when the person who was waiting for these changes no longer expects them to be something that fits into their current life. You need to change in time, especially if you want to prevent these changes from being useless.

When changes do not occur at the right time, they are changes that belong to a desert terrain where the healthy madness and passion of the past will never again sprout; they no longer fit. These are the changes that stay at the station looking at the train that has passed, when night falls on a lost town. Hope gets bored and goes away, accompanied by all the magic and innocence that supported that desire.

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