Kama Muta, The Most Intense And Moving Emotion Of The Human Being

To be moved until you feel the tears flowing, to be moved to see someone, to admire, to love, to feel proud of something, to feel butterflies in your stomach… All this defines kama muta, a universal emotion whose term comes from Sanskrit.
Kama muta, the most intense and moving emotion of the human being

Kama muta is a Sanskrit term that literally means “to be moved, filled with love or admiration”.

Experts say that it is the most intense universal emotion, because it defines that moment when we feel so full of affection, surprise or admiration for something or someone that it doesn’t take long for the shine of tears to appear.

It is not easy to define this emotion in exact words. However, there are many studies that have been interested in it in order to discover, among other things, whether it appears in all cultures, how they experience it and what terms are used to describe it.

In our language, kama muta could be translated as “feeling moved”. However, it is worth noting that defining the term in this way is insufficient, because it connects with something deeper in the human being,  positive and revulsive at the same time.

We cannot reduce it, for example, to simple passion, because it transcends our own affective relationships.

It’s that moment when, suddenly, something awakens us from within and embraces us at the same time. It is a brief sensation, but so intense that it remains in our memory.

Alan Fiske, professor of anthropology at UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles), points out that this is a social emotion. That is,  kama muta  does not arise in solitude.

It appears in relation to an event, to a person or group of people who suddenly inspire us, move us to the point where we feel chills, a knot in our stomach and the shy itching of tears about to flow.

So let’s see more details on the subject.

Kama muta, the emotion of human connection

An intense and comforting experience

See how a friend does something amazing for us. Monitoring the birth of a child or attending a wedding. Find people you like and haven’t seen in a long time. Feeling proud of someone. To attend a lecture, a play or a concert and feel highly inspired… All these are just a few examples of what defines this emotion, the kama muta.

Recently, several universities published a detailed and extensive study to demonstrate something interesting about this emotion that was called kama muta .

In the 19 countries analyzed, it is expressed and lived in the same way. In the five cultures analyzed, this emotion is experienced physiologically in exactly the same way:

  • Euphoria.
  • Heat in the chest.
  • Watery eyes or tears.
  • Chills or shivers.
  • Sensation of suffocation (or lump in throat).
  • Butterflies in the stomach.
  • Feeling of “floating”.

These are all clearly physiological symptoms. However, scientists are increasingly interested in this type of emotion because, in a way, they never stopped to study it.

What moves the human being? Are we all moved by the same things? Is  kama muta therefore a universal experience? The answer appears to be yes.

Kama muta , the emotion of human connection

Research into kama muta became popular two years ago. Organisms like Kama Muta Lab , for example, periodically provide information as interesting as it is revealing.

Thus, an aspect that must be remembered before anything else is the role that emotions play in human beings.

The very word “emotion” comes from Latin and means movement. All of them, whether happiness, joy, sadness, fear or anger, seek to create changes in us. They want to give us information about an inner reality to shape a behavior, a reaction.

The  muta kama also expects a reaction from us, but this reaction part of a dimension as powerful as decisive: love.

Kama muta is well-being and inspiration at the same time

We can all feel moved by something or someone; sometimes it’s for our pet, sometimes for our partner, and even for a movie or a play. What moves us creates an emotional imprint that causes change.

These changes can be simply feeling compassion and caring for this pet to care for it, passion for our partner or inspiration after that movie or that play.

We are, moreover, facing a universal experience, regardless of gender, culture, language or country in which we live. We all feel moved by something or someone often.

Feeling this is not just a positive thing. We could even say that it’s necessary, because few emotions make it so much easier to want to connect, to get excited about starting new things by feeling this exciting mix of wonder, hope, love and joy.

Kama muta is well-being and inspiration at the same time ; few emotional impulses are more revealing in human beings. We are suddenly moved by something to the point of finding an intense, sudden and almost perfect happiness. A brief moment that heals and motivates at the same time.

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