Laughter Takes Care Of Everything That Interests Us

Laughter takes care of everything that interests us

Laughter and good humor have great health benefits, especially when shared with others. Laughter is contagious and increases the happiness and intimacy of people who laugh together. In addition, it causes healthy physical changes throughout the body, such as strengthening the immune system, increasing energy, decreasing pain, or protecting against the harmful effects of stress.

Laughter is a quick and surefire antidote to pain, stress, and conflict, and it helps maintain balance between body and mind. A good mood inspires hope, connects us with others, with ourselves and with the Earth itself, and helps us to lighten the heaviest emotional burdens. Therefore, laughing often and in a natural way is a great resource to face and overcome problems, improve relationships with others, increase self-esteem and have better physical and mental health.

Laughter, in addition to physical and mental benefits, also has social benefits, because it helps to strengthen relationships with others, attracts people, improves teamwork, helps to calm conflicts and promotes the union of a group (labor, family, friends, etc.).

#1 – Laughter relaxes the whole body: A good laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving the muscles completely relaxed for a long time. Its effects last far beyond the end of laughter, up to 45 minutes longer.
#2 – Laughter triggers the release of endorphins: Endorphins are chemicals that make the body feel good in a natural way, and cause a feeling of general well-being that can even temporarily relieve pain.
#3 – Laughter protects the heart: Laughter improves blood vessel function, stimulating circulation and increasing blood flow. This can help protect against a heart attack or other cardiovascular problems.
#4 – Laughter Boosts the Immune System: Laughter lowers stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, which in turn improve resistance to disease.
#5 – Laughter is beneficial for mental health: Laughter allows people to bring more joy and enthusiasm into their lives, relieves anxiety and fear, relieves stress, improves your mood and improves your ability to recovery.

Good humor helps to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude when faced with difficult situations. Laughter and good humor help to face life with strength, courage and hope.

#1 – Laughter dissolves disturbing emotions: It is not possible to feel anxious, angry or sad while laughing.
#2 – Laughter helps you relax and recharge: In addition to reducing stress and increasing energy. This allows you to stay focused and be more efficient.
#3 – A good mood changes perspective: The good mood that comes from a good mood allows you to see situations from a more realistic and positive perspective, and less threatening.

Being in a good mood helps strengthen relationships as it activates positive feelings and fosters emotional connection. Group laughter creates a positive bond that dampens stress, eases misunderstandings and disappointment.

Laughing in a group helps build strong and lasting relationship bonds, and helps all group members to be joyful, vital, and better recover from their pain or problems. In addition, a good mood helps relationships improve, relieving resentments, moderating disagreements and bringing people together in difficult times.

Therefore, we can say that acting with good humor in everyday situations helps to improve the quality of relationships and connections with co-workers, family and friends.


#1 – Be more spontaneous: Being in a good mood helps to forget about prejudices and limitations.
#2 – Letting go of the defensive attitude: Laughter helps you not pay attention to criticism and not doubt others obsessively.
#3 – Be more uninhibited
#4 – Express true feelings and deep emotions

For some people it is easier to find situations to laugh than for others, for various reasons, but it is always possible to gradually incorporate lifestyle habits and favor situations that make us laugh.
Some suggestions might be as follows:

  • Start the day with a smile, quite simply, because yes.
  • Give thanks for all the good things, looking at the little details.
  • Facing anything in a good mood and with laughter, to get infected.
  • Trying to spend time around people who laugh, play, have fun: children, pets, adults enjoying something they like, etc.
  • Use any occasion to make a joke or joke and laugh with others.

A must-have way to bring humor into everyday life is not to take things too seriously. This doesn’t mean keeping a superficial attitude, but not getting stressed by them. Some circumstances may not be very conducive to laughter, but some people are able to find the humor or the way to laugh in some detail (and those who aren’t, thank you).

To take things less seriously and have a lighter outlook on life, you need to:

– Laugh at yourself

– Find grace even in the face of a bad situation.

– Fill yourself with happy and positive memories.

– Keeping perspective on what cannot be controlled.

– Look at children and learn about their ability to laugh at anything and simplify uncomfortable or stressful situations.

Also, remember that it takes very little to live a happy life.

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