Letting Go: The Art Of Not Going Against The Grain

Letting go: the art of not going against the current

When we start to let go, it will be easier to avoid going against the current. Every experience we live influences the way we act, feel and think. In a way, this transforms us, whether little by little or by leaps and bounds. It all depends on the importance we give them.

The problem arises when the circumstances we live in hit us with such force that they can surprise us and turn our world upside down. Suddenly, we don’t know how to act because we would like everything to be different. Expectations can hurt us a lot.

Sometimes we are obsessed with making everything perfect, that is, as we had thought. We cling to an ideal future scenario where all the pieces of the puzzle fit together perfectly, expecting reality to happen that way.

The point is that when reality shows itself with its imperfections, we realize that there are many pieces that don’t fit, others that are missing and others that we had never thought of. Therefore, we feel frustrated, lost and uncomfortable.

Now, who assured us that everything would be perfect? Nobody. It was just a guess of our mind, a story she told us to calm us down and free us from that uncomfortable feeling of insecurity. The truth is, perfection isn’t always the best way. Obsessing ourselves with waiting for things to go our way can be one of the biggest obstacles in our path. So what can we do?

Let it flow and receive with love what life brings you

Swimming against the current carries the risk of drowning if we don’t have a lot of experience. It’s like we’re stuck in an endless storm. On the one hand, we try too hard, we’re out of energy and exhausted, and on the other hand, we hope that circumstances will change and we can catch up. However, if we practice the art of letting go, everything will be easier.

Letting flow means letting the spool of thread come loose. It’s accepting instead of fighting, taking advantage of the current to get where we want. This implies letting ourselves be surprised by what happens in each moment, rather than planning everything.

Let it flow. Letting life surprise you and accepting what it brings can be a wonderful option if we live it with responsibility and commitment. But what exactly is this attitude? We will explain below.

Dandelion symbolizing 'letting go'

If we try to control what is going to happen, in addition to time, we will waste energy because most of the variables are beyond our control. Now , if we cultivate patience and wait to see what happens, the anguish and worry will disappear, because we will no longer focus on the future to be in the present.

How to let it flow?

Letting go is the art of letting go, welcoming life’s surprises with gratitude and in turn releasing the fears that keep us from growing. It’s living the present intensely. There are many ways to practice this wonderful art. These are some of the most effective.

  • Practice acceptance. It is the first step for ‘flowing’ to become part of our philosophy of life. Accepting what happens around us, rather than fighting it, is the basic premise. We often strive for circumstances to happen as we expect and people to act as we think, but that is just a delusion of our mind. This may or may not happen. Therefore, there is nothing to wait, but to accept and, based on that, decide what to do.
  • Connect with the present. Living in the here and now, in connection with each moment, allows us to flow because it frees us from the weight of the past and expectations of the future.
  • Learn from circumstances. If you learn from each experience, even if it’s not very pleasant, it will be easier to let go. We can learn from everything and everyone, don’t forget that.
  • Open up to the unexpected. Every moment is unique. Instead of rejecting what we don’t know, why don’t we take chances? Naturally, with responsibility and commitment.
  • Meditate. Meditation is a powerful exercise to start getting in touch with yourself, to delve into ourselves and awaken. Thanks to this, we will develop our sensitivity much more and, of course, we will connect with the present.

When we start to let go, it will be easier to avoid going against the current. There are things we can’t fight for and we spend a lot of time, energy and anger trying to force them to happen as we want. By being patient and letting the path show us where to go, we can live more fully.

woman letting life flow

The benefits of letting it flow

Not going against the current is a good option to live fully. In addition, this practice offers us important benefits, such as the following:

  • Harmony. Letting it flow opens the door to tranquility and calm, to the possibility of savoring the harmony of everything around us, to being open to what happens, knowing that not everything depends solely on us.
  • Creativity. By allowing ourselves not to swim against the current, we will experience the moments in an authentic way. In this way, we will be able to have more freedom to generate new ideas, to choose new paths or to make better decisions.
  • Relaxation. Letting ourselves be surprised by what happens helps us to free ourselves from guilt and expectations, that is, from those tensions that force us to remain in a state of continuous alertness.
  • Detachment. When we let it flow, we let go of people, situations or things. We let go of the habit of clinging to be happy, let go of what hurts us, and begin to appreciate the true value of everything around us.
  • Happiness. Letting it flow, somehow, brings us closer to the feeling we want and that is inside us: happiness. Being calm, without attachment, and connected to the present will make it much easier to be happy.

Letting go is letting things happen, learning and understanding for what they really are, enjoying every experience, every moment. Everything has its moment in our lives.

Letting go is an art and you are the painter of this great work that is life. You decide how you want to take it. Learn to welcome each moment with open arms and you will be able to live in peace.

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