Love Without Borders, A Love Beyond Distance

To love without borders is to love from freedom, understanding and respect. It is to cultivate strength, courage and persistence to maintain a loving relationship despite the circumstances.
Love without borders, a love beyond distance

Love is a feeling we experience in relation to another person, the one for whom we wish all the best and with whom we feel a special connection. To start talking about love without borders, first it is worth noting that love may or may not be reciprocal.

Even when love is reciprocal, there are a great number of obstacles that can influence the relationship and harm it if its foundations are not solid, if the bond created is not based on security and firmness. One of the most feared and complex is distance.

Distance always seems difficult. The fact that contact with the other suddenly disappears or simply never existed is a barrier that must be faced. Because loving without borders is possible, although it is not an easy path.

For this, it is necessary to have awareness, effort and emotional management. Next, we explain what love without borders is, how to maintain it, and what its benefits are.

Characteristics of Boundless Love

Characteristics of Boundless Love

Love without borders means breaking down walls, overcoming difficulties and moving forward in harmony. It is a healthy and intelligent love, a love that nourishes, allows for growth and goes beyond distances.

This kind of love can be understood in many ways. As something literal, that is, as a love that remains despite the person you love being somewhere else, or as a mature love to face the difficulties that arise.

So love without boundaries is learning to deal with what happens that we cannot control. It also implies dedication so that circumstances do not impede love.

For example, although we want to be close to someone, sometimes it’s not possible, but that doesn’t mean that love can’t blossom.

How to maintain a love without borders?

While it’s true that love without boundaries isn’t easy, there are some paths and strategies that will make this situation more bearable. They are as follows:

  • Self-knowledge. When we meet, we have an idea of ​​how we can act in difficult situations. In this way, being aware of where we are and how we behave is fundamental to love without borders.
  • Patience. It is about tolerating adversities vigorously, without letting yourself be carried away by impulses and understanding that sometimes the passage of time is necessary.
  • Learn to be independent. The love that leads to addiction is a toxic love. In order not to need the other, it is important that we have our space, our time, regardless of whether our partner lives in the same city as us or thousands of miles away.
  • Take our decisions . It is about taking responsibility for ourselves, for what we think, feel and do. That is, accepting our decisions and choices and the consequences derived from them.
  • Creativity. If the problem is distance, why not create ideas that help to be closer? The options are multiple, the important thing is that we feel comfortable.
  • Expressing our feelings and thoughts. Sometimes we close in on ourselves and don’t show what we feel or what we think, but a love without boundaries implies the opposite. In addition to expressing ourselves to others, activities such as dancing, exercising or painting are closely linked to the emotional universe.

It is worth noting that love without borders is not love without limits. Distance can keep us away, but that doesn’t mean it can’t hurt us. We need to know how far we can go with others and how far we want to go ourselves. The key is to maintain respect above all else.

Furthermore,  to love without boundaries, it is necessary to love ourselves. In this way, we can establish healthy relationships with other people. For this, we can be in tune with each other through assertive communication and, in this way, improve harmony.

Benefits of loving across distances

Benefits of loving beyond distance

Loving without borders has great benefits, such as the following:

  • Learn to manage our thoughts and feelings.
  • Control our actions.
  • Take care of ourselves.
  • Take responsibility for our decisions.
  • Improve self-knowledge.
  • Acquire greater harmony.
  • Increase tolerance.
  • Increase respect.
  • Improve self-esteem.

Love, as psychologist Walter Riso says, is for the brave. It is a flower that must be picked at the edge of a precipice. So let’s not allow it to become toxic.

Let love without borders help us to discover another way of loving, one that allows us to be as close to ourselves as to others.

To love without borders, beyond distance, we cannot forget who we are. We need to be in tune both with ourselves and with each other.

To love without borders is to learn from mistakes and obstacles with affection, strength, understanding and harmony.

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