Perfection That Dwells In Imperfection

The perfection that lives in imperfection

Interestingly, one of the best phrases about imperfection was not said by a famous philosopher or psychologist, but by Vittorio Gassman, an Italian actor. He said, “Our imperfections help us to be afraid; trying to solve them helps us to have courage”.

Perhaps it’s ironic and surprising, because it would be easier to imagine that a world-renowned philosopher would say the most perfect sentences about imperfection. However, the human being is imperfect and therefore, anyone, however insignificant they feel, is capable of great achievements.

We all make mistakes throughout our lives. Does this mean we cannot be happy? Do we have to judge ourselves eternally for our mistakes? The answer is no, because in our own imperfection lies perfection. We can all be perfectly imperfect.

Imperfection Therapy

Adam Smith said that “if you approach a situation as a matter of life and death, you will die many times.” This sentence is perfect to explain a psychological theory that has developed its own clinical methodology, imperfection therapy.

With great advocates such as its own creator, Dr Ricardo Peter, professor at UDLAP, researcher and psychotherapist, this therapy has developed an effective treatment for perfectionism disorders, much more common today than we can imagine.


In this case, the therapy of imperfection starts from a peculiar basis. Its very name is misleading, as these are meetings rather than the classic therapeutic session.

Through these “encounters”, the therapist and the patient are placed on the same level. The therapist’s mission is to explore a person’s self-understanding.

human imperfection

The idea of ​​dedicating an article to the theory of imperfection is due to a contradiction: we do not accept our own imperfection. In fact, some people are so upset about it that they become obsessive.

However , excessive perfection does not exert any positive influence on the human psyche, because we are not able to define exactly what perfection is. A circle, a sphere, a job well done…?


There is a debate about the existence of perfection in which experts from all eras and branches of science have participated. No consensus was reached and this debate continues to this day. Despite the discussions, there is a group that believes and argues that perfection exists and these are some of their criteria:

  • Throughout his life, Plato sought the perfect and definitive idea, which could only be achieved if we found perfection. Do you think he found it?
  • Other evolutionary philosophical currents establish that beyond perfection there is nothing else. If the world is in constant movement and evolution, if we are part of that world, it is evident that such perfection cannot exist.
  • There is another current of thought that states that perfection does not exist, but perfectionism does. The idea of ​​doing something better and better does not mean that one day you will do it perfectly, but it invites you to improve.

the perfection of imperfection

Is there any logical conclusion in this regard? Probably yes, but there is no single correct answer. There is an answer for every thought process and for every human being that inhabits this planet.


What is perfect for some is completely wrong for others. Perfection seems to be an idea, an image, a utopia, which should be a motivation for people to become better every day.

In any case, any human being can be perfectly imperfect. Within all of us there is the desire to improve, the need to be happier or the utopian message of a perfect world. It just depends on us, it is not necessary to build something perfect, but something better.

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