Shinrin-yoku: Forest Baths To Relax

Shinrin-yoku, or forest therapy, in addition to bringing us back in contact with nature, is capable of significantly reducing anyone’s stress.
Shinrin-yoku: forest baths to relax

Shinrin-yoku  is the term designated in Japan for the act of entering a forest atmosphere. It represents a therapy to free yourself from the tensions implied by today’s urban life. Nature can be a good ally to restore the health and quality of life of people who suffer from stress on a professional or personal level.

The term Shinrin-yoku means ‘absorbing the atmosphere of the forest’  to prevent stress-related illnesses from big cities. Let’s think that being in contact with unpleasant situations is one of the factors that can cause long-term illness.

Forest therapy or Shinrin-yoku

The forest therapy, or S hinrin-yoku,  appeared in 1982 in Japan’s Forestry Agency  as an alternative to reduce stress levels. Precisely, it is a therapy based on Buddhist and Shinto principles that proclaim an integral contact with nature. Through the senses,  the person establishes a  feedback  with the entire natural environment to re-establish their inner peace.

Although it is a therapy that originated in Japan, it is gaining more and more followers around the world. In some countries, it is called “forest bath” and consists, as its name implies, in resorting to nature. Thus, the individual reaches a state of relaxation without having taken any kind of medicine. 

forest baths

What are the benefits of S hinrin-yoku ?

Chiba University researchers, led by Yoshifumi Miyazaki,  studied the benefits of being in full contact with the forest. Through a stress biomarker, they determined that those people in contact with urban environments had higher levels of cortisol compared to those in contact with a natural environment.

Applying neurobiology techniques, they observed that the forest reduces cognitive activities and increases those related to pleasure, as trees release volatile compounds that are beneficial to the immune system, called phytonides. They are allelochemical antimicrobials that substantially benefit health, widely used in holistic medicine.

How to perform Shinrin-yoku therapy ?

Millions of stress-affected Japanese undergo forest therapy every year. Furthermore, thanks to the different official centers designated by the Japan Forestry Agency, it is very accessible. Therapy S hinrin-yoku is to enter the forest and perform, during this period, several breathing techniques for two hours.

Participants are monitored before and after receiving therapy to see whether or not there has been improvement. Thus, the effectiveness of the treatment is immediately proven, observing substantial changes in well-being. In short, the importance of Shinrin-yoku can be tapped into our emotional life.

Being exposed to nature not only improves the psychic balance and the general well-being of the organism, but also  stimulates changes in the nervous system. As a result, it has a positive influence on irritability, anger, depression, anxiety, and tension.

How to perform Shinrin-yoku therapy?

Final Thoughts

In conclusion,  Shinrin-yoku is a natural treatment that can be performed at any time in life. With proper practice, it helps to achieve an ideal state of relaxation. In addition, the contact with nature improves the quality of life and emotional state. Therefore, breathing, feeling the wind in your face and moving forward without worrying too much about anything are the pillars that make Shinrin-yoku a worldwide success.

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