Socio-emotional Skills Can Change Your Child’s Future

Socioemotional Skills Can Change Your Child's Future

21st century, modernity, technology and innovation. Even with all this, we can say that the wild card is education;  she is responsible for disciplined and competent workers.

Education has the power to change the world, but unfortunately it is still “banking”, as Paulo Freire used to say. Teachers deposit and students receive information, undermining creativity.

Consequently, there is an innovation block, which causes demotivation and school dropout. Many students clearly demonstrate disinterest in the school environment, not supporting traditional and repetitive methodologies. In this system, they are seen as responsible for the lack of interest in studies, but never in applied methodologies.

Up ahead, these young people will face a world they don’t know, with characteristics they were never prepared to face. When they run into difficulties in the professional market, they will be welcomed with charges that were never given and worked on in their academic training.

Awaken interest for the unmotivated child to study

Young people are charged in an unknown world

When looking for their first job, when interviewed by titled directors who require a professional mayor for a given position, they will be required to be creative, autonomous, persistent, resilient, able to face challenges, live with differences, know how to solve problems, have positive attitude, leadership spirit, emotional control… In short, a perfect being who, during the school period, was not prepared for such situations, was only encouraged to develop his cognitive skills and academic training.

And now, what to do? He failed the interview. Not even the opportunity to learn and carry out the tasks was given.

young unprepared for the job market

The young person ends up being pre-judged for qualifications contained in the résumé and interviewed by the professional who wants a person with a perfect profile for the position offered.

At no point in school was he told that he would need to develop these qualities, let alone work on these concepts in theory and practice. As a consequence, lack of motivation, hopelessness, depression arise. But what to do to change this? It’s possible? Yes, it is possible!

Playful activities to stimulate your child:

1. Toy library

This space allows children to use their imagination and develop creativity, and can learn to communicate, socialize, release their emotions, build their own thoughts, thus developing their potential in a relaxed way.

2. Reading Corner

Reading or listening to a story stimulates creativity, imagination and vocabulary growth. It also allows learning common values, developing self-knowledge, forming criteria, relating socially and venturing into knowledge, knowing and discovering. However, this should not be a sporadic action; It is important to define a time and place for this, in order to create a habit.

3. Music therapy

In an environment with sounds and songs, the technique links pleasure and relaxation and develops attention, concentration, limits, exchange, stimulates mood, increases respiratory capacity, increases physical and mental disposition, in addition to preventing and treating some diseases.

4. Speech therapy

Excellent exercise for children who have learning difficulties. Dyslexia is an example; the sessions work on the normal and pathological development (motor, oral, cognitive and linguistic) of the child, where the functioning of adequate breathing is beneficial in the learning process.

5. Outdoor Adventure

Outdoor games enhance children’s energy, but also their creativity, autonomy and independence. They help develop your social skills, improve fitness and reduce stress.

 6. Art therapy

It expands the knowledge of oneself and others, helping to increase self-esteem, better deal with symptoms, stresses and traumatic experiences, develop physical, cognitive and emotional resources, and enjoy the vitalizing pleasure of making art.

By sharing the same ideal, we will be forming and educating, overcoming conflicts. Simple measures prepare extraordinary people.

And in this advance, the school needs to continue where it left off a long time ago. Being a teacher is not an easy task, but they need to be authors of change.

However, it doesn’t just depend on the school ; it’s no use just charging, parents need to do their part, the triangle between school, parents (and children) and society must always be in harmony, which is not happening. We only see one wanting to find the culprit and get rid of the guilt, and time goes by and nothing changes.

Lev Vygotsky’s ideas contribute to the understanding of the role of mediation of culture and social interactions in the constitution of the human being and in development through the learning process.

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