Some Roles Are Imposed On Our Lives. Who Do They Expect You To Be?

Some roles are imposed on our lives.  Who do they expect you to be?

We are a product of our education, the circumstances we live in, the experiences we need to go through, interpersonal relationships and culture, etc. Until we decide to be a product of ourselves, freeing ourselves from beliefs, roles and fears that correspond to the past.

Since our childhood, everything we live and what we were told was recorded. However, we can change this if we wish, as our life belongs to ourselves. No one can go on expecting more from us than ourselves. Since we are adults, we decide how we want to live and it probably won’t match what others expect of us.

the mental programming

From the moment of birth, we receive an education, a culture, and we are open to a kind of interpersonal relationships. This, without a doubt, marks us, we are somehow programming ourselves according to what we receive and determining how we are going to play the different roles in different sections of our lives.

Mental programming is what we are receiving and that has been deeply engraved in us, about how we should relate to others, what they expect of us and how the world is. So, as a result, we have an idea of ​​how we should be, based on what others convey.


Stereotypes and prejudices influence our roles

Undoubtedly, from an early age, we receive an image of ourselves and the world that, later on, as adults, will help us to relate in a certain way. Stereotypes and prejudices are ideas about a person or a group that has certain characteristics,  and we learn this through what we receive and what we live with the adults around us.

Roles are determined behavioral attitudes depending on the situation in which we find ourselves,  and we also learned this from a very young age. Above all, we learn to develop the role that will play us the most in life, as it will undoubtedly be the role we will most identify with.

Need to please. Low self esteem

In many cases, we were taught very clearly what others and the world expected of us, but we do not know clearly who we really are. And that’s the way it is because we haven’t yet discovered our deepest capabilities and weaknesses and, therefore, we can say that we grew up with low self-esteem, as we know perfectly well who we should be, but not who we are or who we want to be.

Therefore, we often do not know each other, we subconsciously choose to be who we are expected to be and, therefore, we use a lot of effort to please others, that is, we try to fulfill the role that has been taught to us since we were born.

mental reprogramming

However, it is possible to get out of the role that we were given and discover who we really are, projecting ourselves into who we want to be. For this, we can work with mental reprogramming, that is, discarding what “we should be” from within, and replacing it with “who we want to be”.


Undoubtedly, it is a conscious and subconscious work, which consists of going deeper into ourselves until we discover the programming that we received from childhood, but which we now decide does not make us happy.

I have the right to be myself

Being aware, discovering and modifying the roles that have been given to us, as well as the beliefs about relationships and the world that have shown us, means allowing ourselves to be ourselves. Freedom is the ability to decide for ourselves, without feeling obligated by what we were taught, that is, getting rid of what “we should” and replacing it with what “we want”.

We all have the right to be ourselves,  since the only way to be happy is to get rid of what others want from us and build our life only in terms of how we want it to be.

No one can deny us the right to be ourselves except ourselves. Nobody decides how to play our roles, since we are adults; no one should say how we have to be, save ourselves. No one can impose their will on us, as we are free to decide how far we go with our lives.

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