Sometimes When A Door Closes, An Entire Universe Opens Up

Sometimes when a door closes an entire universe opens

When we close a door, we don’t do it out of pride and much less out of cowardice. We do it because it no longer makes sense what is invested in relation to what is received, because there is no longer any will, the pieces, the desires, the spirits no longer fit together. That’s when it’s time to go through the portal of fear to open other doors.

While we’re more than used to hearing that when “one door closes, another opens,” there are nuances to consider. These entries, these new universes of opportunities, do not appear as magic tricks. It is necessary to look for them, provide them and put in place certain internal mechanisms for this to happen.

All of us sometimes have the inevitable habit of tuning into the same emotional channel: that of suffering, that of clinging to what is lost, that of remembering what has not been achieved, and that of the bitterness of so many and so many disappointments. Somehow, and considering all this abyss of complex emotions, what we often do is leave a multitude of doors open with the poster “if necessary”.

However, we need to stop to feel the breeze that these ajar doors bring. It is a cold wind with the smell of stagnant time, of dry tears, of unfulfilled dreams, and where, in addition, every now and then there are echoes of those voices that once hurt us.

We need to close them, for our own balance and mental health.

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The door we dare not close

Before talking about these universes that open behind many doors that bear our own name, let us first go deeper into those that we have not yet closed. What does it mean to end a cycle, a step, leave a job or even put an end to a relationship?

It means, above all, knowing how to renounce, and renunciation is something that nobody has prepared us for. Society itself and even the education we received have always convinced us that we can have everything without giving up anything.

However, if we think about this delicate gesture of courage for a moment, we will realize that the very gesture of maturing, growing and achieving a certain quality of life, involves learning to close doors, all those doors that brought unpleasant winds.

Life itself forces us to make decisions constantly. Because to be happy, don’t forget, you have to make decisions. Now, if we don’t dare to slam the door definitively on what hurts, doesn’t fit and wears us down, we will be giving up our own happiness.


Because, don’t forget, happiness is priceless, it has rules, and one of them is daring to be brave. To exist is, in the end, forcing yourself to move forward, it is putting one foot in front of the other, while the heart opens up to new opportunities with a dose of courage.

Tips for coping with the end of a step

Words unspoken when there was opportunity and we were overcome by cowardice bind us to the past. Weigh the lost opportunities and infinite “whys” that will never be answered. So many times we put our gaze on the yesterday that it dissipates the present, and this is neither healthy nor normal.

No one can “live” in two places at the same time, either you move forward or you become the beautiful bookmark that stays forever in the most painful chapter.  Without allowing himself to discover how this story ends: his story. This is not good, you have to take the step, close the door, turn the page, transform yourself into the person you really are and that others have tried to model according to your desire.

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Strategies for closing a stage and finding a new personal universe

Closing a door is not exactly the easiest thing, because somehow, we not only leave behind what makes us unhappy, but sometimes we are also forced to renounce certain things that we identify with, that were ours and made us. happy.

Let’s see in detail what these strategies would be.

  • Practice personal responsibility through inner dialogue with yourself.  Ask yourself what holds you back, what keeps you from taking the step when closing that door. Define your fears, name them, and try to rationalize them. Also ask yourself if a few years from now you will want to be where you are now.
  • Become aware of your strengths. You have talents: emphasize your virtues, your values, your achievements. Remember that your strengths are also the people who support you and really like you.
  • Design a plan for your immediate future. Visualize where and how you would like to be six months from now. Surround yourself with that positive feeling that accompanies these images. Get inspired by them.
  • Go ahead weightless. Drop all the weight, go forward with a bare heart, a moderate mind and a keen eye. Walk without hate, without rancor, and without the stones that we often carry on our backs that make us sick with their emotional burdens.

Close the door and simply look around with renewed hope. You are another star in this universe looking for new and wonderful opportunities.

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