Stomach Pain: Anguish Can Cause Us Indigestion

Stomach ache: anguish can cause us indigestion

Anguish and stress can cause a major physiological imbalance that manifests itself in various ways, leading to the appearance, for example, of stomach pain.

Controlling the level of worry we live with on a daily basis is an excellent way to increase the overall well-being of the entire organism and substantially reduce stomach discomfort.

Everything that happens on the psychological level inevitably affects the physical level ; therefore, maintaining a mental balance is critical to warding off discomfort in any of its forms. While daily problems are unavoidable, the ideal is to achieve peace and not allow your integrity to change.

The World Health Organization (WHO), in its press release in conjunction with the World Bank, Investment in the treatment of depression and anxiety has a performance of 400% , reports that common mental disorders are increasing worldwide.

This statement translates into the fact that between 1990-2013 the number of people with anxiety or depression increased by 50% on a global scale, reaching an estimated around 615 million people affected.

anguished woman

Mental health must be a priority.

Arthur Kleinman is a Professor of Medical Anthropology and Psychiatry at the prestigious Harvard University, in addition to being a world expert in mental health. Kleinman conducted several studies related to social suffering, more specifically on mental health.

Mental health is a public health issue and also a considerable investment for the state.

The WHO reports that “ the estimated costs of scaling up treatment, particularly psychosocial counseling and antidepressant medications, amount to US$147 billion ”. However, he clarifies that the benefits far outweigh the costs.

In this sense, WHO ensures that it is essential to expand mental health services on a global scale to ensure health and well-being for the entire population at different levels.

Likewise, it clarifies that the goals of the Sustainable Development Goals, approved by the United Nations General Assembly,  propose, by 2030, to reduce one third of premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment, in addition to the promotion of comprehensive mental health .

relieve stomach pain

Those who suffer from stomach pain know that it can cause discomfort throughout the day. Therefore, it is advisable to reduce the levels of anxiety that may be causing your symptoms.

Therefore, in the presence of any persistent symptoms, it is ideal to consult a specialist physician. It will not only detect the pathology, it will also treat it correctly.

In general, distress causes indigestion and an acute stomachache that we often fail to detect in time. In the daily turmoil, full of worries that directly affect the body, stomach pain is an obvious symptom.

woman feeling stomach pain

When the stomach pain becomes chronic, everything starts to go wrong. We don’t sleep well, our digestive system is affected in its functionality and, in addition, our mood is unstable and negative.

When discomfort sets in in any of its forms, the ideal is to consult a specialist immediately. After all, stomach pain or any other illness is a warning to detect any abnormality in the body in time.

The physical imbalance will be reflected affecting all systems, bringing discomfort that impedes the well-being of the entire organism.

In this way, stomach pain can be a sign that something in our life must change. That’s if we don’t want to lose the well-being that we so desire in all stages of our existence.

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