Success Is Built, Not Expected Or Pursued

Success is built, not expected or pursued

There is no magic wand that brings luck and success to our lives, because they don’t usually knock on the door without an invitation. If that’s what you want, you’ll have to build it step by step and shape it with your own hands. However, for this, it is necessary to define what you want to achieve, that is, in which direction the wind would be more favorable for you. Once the course is identified, a good training and a lot of determination, in the form of energy that gives you enough strength to face the first difficulties, will be good indicators for success.

And know that not everything will be flowers on this path. Failure – he or his shadow – will be waiting for you around every corner to cause fear and make you not know whether to go ahead or turn around. However, this will all be part of your climb to success, part of learning. Don’t take it as a sign to let go of what you started so eagerly. Your effort will always pay off if it is managed with patience and intelligence.

The first step towards success is the most difficult and the most important

Taking the first step is always a difficult decision: it’s creating movement from a static position. It’s like the writer in front of the blank paper that awakens all your fears. However, once this barrier is overcome, it will be easier to move forward, arm in arm with our great ally: determination.

We are afraid to take the first step because on many occasions our minds anticipate suffering in the face of failure. A failure that may not happen, but we are already moving forward. Perhaps because we want the immediate results and that the path to success is as short as possible. This will only bring us great frustration, as everything comes in its time.

Woman studying to build her success

The further away our goal is, the longer we know it will take us to get what we want, the more difficult it will be to make the decision to finally take this first step, as doubts and concerns will approach us. “And if we stay by the way, will we be able to overcome all the failures that we will have to face?”.

“I can’t” is not an option

Our life is full of “can’ts”. These are two words that are part of our vocabulary and that we use more than we should. As we said at the beginning, magic does not exist. Success will not come looking for us, we are the ones who have to go out and get it, and this will only be possible if we don’t limit ourselves.

Our words have great power. If I say “I can”, so will it be. If I say “I can’t”, so will it be. Sometimes all the negativity we express comes from our surroundings, from people around us who don’t trust us, from people who constantly insist that our goals are disheveled and impossible to achieve. All of this only creates insecurity and makes us rethink if we are going to get what we want and if we will be able to do so.

In the face of all this there is only one solution. Close our ears to all these words that these people direct us and that are no more than the brakes that put us on the path towards success. When listening to them, we must respond with a broad smile, as we know better than anyone what we are capable of doing and achieving. No one has any reason to make us doubt ourselves.

Man thinking about how to build his success

Set goals that can be achieved

The best way to manage the failure we fear so much is to pursue, from the beginning, goals that we know we are capable of achieving. They don’t have to be big, the most important thing is that they are achievable and that they give results in the short term. Thus, we keep our feet on the ground, which is essential when you want to achieve success.

Does this mean that we have to limit ourselves? No, it means that we have to be realistic because, at times, our hopes and dreams can deceive us and our expectations disappear, causing us to lose perspective.

Taking small, safe steps, without ever losing patience, without yearning to reach the goal when we haven’t even started, will prepare us to solve any problem that may arise. That way, when we least expect it, we will begin to actually visualize what we had in mind. Very rarely will it be the same, as the path leaves its marks, but they are usually positive.

successful dancer

Waiting for success is bad. Pursuing him without limits, even worse. For everything to happen as planned, it is essential that the construction of the goal takes place day after day, that steps are taken safely, without losing perspective and, especially, if the challenge deserves, that the effort be total. Getting started and moving forward is a big challenge, but even more important is to stay on track despite the problems and difficulties that will arise, as they will come and are, yes, part of the process. What are you waiting for to start building your success?

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