Surrender, A Story About The Power Of The Mind

This story about the power of the mind tells the life of a legendary Japanese samurai who went from being feared to being admired, who went from being an apprentice to becoming a master.
Surrender, a story about the power of the mind

This story about mind power begins in ancient Japan with a samurai named Tunaki: a young warrior passionate about combat. His early training, coupled with his intelligence, led him to a prominent position in battle.

Tunaki was admired and feared for his courage and agility . It was said that he was not afraid of anything and that he had never lost a fight, which was true. That’s why he became one of the best known and most celebrated warriors in all of Japan. They commented that his eyes were like fire and his movements like a tiger’s.

On the other hand, Tunaki’s bulk did not diminish the precision and agility of his movements. His training followed a very strong discipline, which made him fearsome with the saber. However, this story about the power of the mind tells that this samurai always wanted to learn more.

battle of samurai

In search of learning

They say that Tunaki was looking for new sources of knowledge. One of his colleagues told him that he had heard of a Chinese teacher. He lived in a Buddhist monastery and was reputed to be one of the best warriors on the entire planet. Tunaki thought it would be a great idea to challenge him. A fight with him would end up consolidating his fame.

With fury in his flaming eyes, he left for China. The story about the power of the mind says that he arrived three weeks later at the monastery of Master Shu, the potential adversary he so wanted to meet. When he saw him, he couldn’t believe it. He was a thin, small man who inspired more tenderness than fear.

The teacher invited him to stay. He talked to Tunaki every night for a week. In the end, I told him that I wanted to transmit his teachings , because I saw in him an honest man, who deserved to evolve. Tunaki accepted and began his apprenticeship.

A story about the power of the mind

Master Shu patiently taught Tunaki that the main fighting organ was the brain. With great patience, he instructed him in the true essence of martial arts. The true warrior knew and understood the human mind, but above all, he was a compassionate and peaceful being.

Tunaki understood that the hardest enemy to defeat is within ourselves. It’s called anger, pride and vanity. He also understood that the best fight is one that can be avoided. The desire to defeat and destroy others ends up destroying us.

It tells the story of the power of the mind that, after two years, Tunaki returned to his homeland. No one could believe his change. He was no longer the angry and impetuous warrior he had been before, but a prudent and thoughtful man who earned everyone’s respect and admiration. So dozens of apprentices came from all over.

monk meditating

a special challenge

Tunaki’s fame grew immensely. Some time later, a new samurai named Kenka appeared. His profile was very similar to that of the first Tunaki. Also as agile and superb as he. Upon learning of the professor’s fame, I wanted to meet him and challenge him. He needed to show that he could beat him, so he traveled a long distance.

As soon as he arrived, he challenged him to a fight. He told her that he would show all his apprentices what a real samurai was. He was willing to beat him to prove his dexterity was superior. This samurai was intimidating just by his presence. His eyes were angry and his body was that of an experienced fighter. The teacher accepted the challenge with humility.

The next day, Kenka arrived armed with his saber, but was surprised to see Tunaki sitting, meditating. Everyone was in anticipation. Suddenly, Tunaki stood up. The two walked towards each other. Standing face to face, the master lowered the gun and turned away from his rival. He was confused and didn’t know what to do.

If he attacked the master, he would be considered a coward. Instead of being admired, he would receive contempt from everyone. If he didn’t attack him, his desire for triumph would be thwarted. The story about the power of the mind tells that Kenka realized Tunaki’s psychological superiority and felt ashamed. The apprentices understood what it was to win without having to fight: neutralizing the rival, minimizing the risks and losing as little energy as possible in the strategy.

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