The 10 Energy Thieves According To The Dalai Lama

The 10 Second Dalai Lama Energy Thieves

There are 10. Ten energy thieves who, according to the Dalai Lama, make us fall into their traps and leave us empty. We don’t realize it, but we live so attentive to trivial things that we don’t pay attention to what’s really important.

Taking distance and moving away from what is not necessary helps to improve our health on all levels. The difficulty is in being aware of what is harmful to walk to a place that offers us a certain stability. Therefore, the well-known spiritual leader made an interesting compilation of 10 thieves that suck energy from all of us.

Let’s see more about this:

arm fang butterflies

1 – People who are paid in claim mode

“Avoid people who only come to share complaints, problems, disastrous stories, fear and judgment of others. If someone is looking for a boat to take their trash, don’t offer your mind ”.

People connected to an automatic protester exhaust and subtract us. Putting an ounce of energy into alleviating the self-centeredness of others destroys our essence. So, as the saying goes, if someone is looking for a boat to take their trash, don’t offer your mind. Disconnect your life from everything that takes you away from yourself and don’t let others drag you into their storms.

2 – The accounts… clear

“Pay your bills on time. At the same time, cover who owes you or chooses to let go, if it is already impossible to charge”. Having clear accounts means being sure that we owe no one anything and that no one owes us anything.

Debts end our peace of mind. That’s why it’s essential that we don’t have any outstanding bills lying around, so we won’t have to hide or be embarrassed about not paying off a commitment we made. Anyone who knows the feeling of being short of breath understands that getting into debt is one of the biggest energy thieves there is.

3 – Pending promises

“If you haven’t kept your promises, ask yourself why you have resistance. You always have the right to change your mind, apologize, compensate, renegotiate and offer an alternative in the face of a broken promise. The easiest way to avoid not complying with something you don’t want to do is to say NO from the beginning ”.

Being a person of your word is one of the most valued and rated qualities in the interpersonal relationships market. This is, without a doubt, a characteristic that goes even further, because it reflects good intentions and consideration for others.


4 – Not listening to our interests

“Eliminate as much as possible, delegate those tasks you prefer not to do, and spend your time doing the things you enjoy.” Not delegating what is aversive to us and what is possible to pass on means filling our lives with unnecessary negativity.

Sometimes we are simply not in a position to carry out a task. Another person may even do it better, or maybe he or she is more willing to complete it than we do. This is true for both home and work. There are certainly hundreds of options that guarantee a better condition. This will ensure a positive balance in our lives.

5 – Do not rest or act

“Give yourself permission to rest if you are in a time when you need it and give yourself permission to act if you are in a time of opportunity .”  Each person has their own rhythm, but it is important to know how to rest and regain strength. Not doing this when we need it most implies losing our strength and committing irresponsibility that will end in regret.

6 – The disorder

“Take, tidy and organize; nothing takes more energy than a cluttered space full of things from the past that you no longer need ”.  There are messes and messes. Some are more catastrophic than others, but in the end, we all need the initiative to get rid of something.

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7- Not taking care of your health

“Give your health priority; without your body working at its best, you can’t do much. Take a few moments to rest ”.  It is useless to have a lot of work, a lot of money and a lot of assets if we are not able to take care of what sustains us: our bodies. It is essential that we take time to relax, play a sport, eat well and get to know each other.

8 – Difficult situations

“Confront the toxic situations you are tolerating, from rescuing a friend or family member, to tolerating negative actions from a partner or group. Take the necessary action ”.  Difficult situations help us strategize if we take control and try to resolve them. Delaying or ignoring things can cause us stress and thus make our stability difficult.

9 – Do not accept

“Accepted. It’s not resignation, but nothing makes you lose more energy than resisting and fighting a situation you can’t change ”. The only way we can get rid of monsters is by accepting them. Assuming that there are things that shouldn’t change is another step towards achieving emotional well-being.


10 – Not forgiving

“Forgive, let go of a situation that is causing pain; you can always choose to let the pain go ”.  Forgiveness serves as a comfortable pillow. Life is likely to put us to the test, so it’s important not to harbor grudges; because if we do, we will die little by little.

Holding a grudge is human, very human. But so is forgiveness. And get it wrong. They say that those who don’t love don’t forgive. In fact, it is precisely love that is to blame for forgiveness. Love for the other, for life, for the world and for oneself.

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