The 10 Laws Of Abundance

The 10 Laws of Abundance

The laws of abundance encompass some of the so-called “laws of the universe,” which comprise a series of beliefs related to positive thinking. According to the laws of abundance, we are likely to succeed where we believe we will. In this way, the abundance mentality is a help to achieve what we propose.

According to Sergio Fernández, author of Living with Abundance , there are 10 laws of abundance, and they are present in the universe even though we are not aware of it.

What do we mean by abundance?

The term abundance refers to a large amount, be it physical or conceptual. In its second meaning, however, is “ prosperity, wealth or well-being ”; it is the latter that interests us.

Abundance refers in one of its meanings, therefore, to prosperity and well-being. So, stretching its meaning, we would speak of a mental, emotional, and physical state that helps us achieve our goals.

the laws of abundance

The 10 Laws of Abundance

According to Sergio Fernández, these are the ten laws of abundance that govern our universe:

1. Law of creation

In this way, Fernández indicates that we are capable of creating what we want to be, do or have if we first feel or imagine it.

2. Law of vibration

Related to the above, the more we think or feel something, the more likely we are to believe it. This, as we see in the statement of the law, can have a negative effect if our emotions or thoughts are not positively charged.

3. Law of cause and effect

Our experiences are connected by a succession of causes and effects intrinsic to them. Therefore, our actions, thoughts and emotions will originate in our past and will affect our future. The immediate consequence of this idea is that we have infinite power over our present to influence what happens to us.

4. Law of equilibrium

According to this law, what we are able to contribute to the world will somehow be returned to us. In other words, if we expect a fortune in the world, the best thing we can do is to contribute to making it better.

hand holding heart

5. law of order

The order must be this and not another. First you must be something and then know how to do it and get the results. If we want to have a successful bakery, for example, we must first be experts in the field, then create the product. Finally, if we follow the steps well, we will reach the goal.

6. Law of action

We all have a signature, a style. This way of acting is what defines us, what makes us predictable in front of others and ends up defining us. In the end, this style will turn into an inertia that invites us to act consistently with what we’ve already done and how we’ve done it.

7. Law of Least Effort

It’s not about eliminating the effort from our lives, or doing our activities unwillingly, but finding the simplest and most productive way to reach the goal. If there is a simpler path with identical results, why waste our energies?

8. Law of means and ends

As seen in the law of order, you must first  be in order to have. If we want the end, we must find the way: in this case, tomorrow’s happiness is conditioned by today.

9. Law of expression of gifts

As we saw in Law 4, we must be generous if we want the world to give us generosity. By sharing what we do well, we will be contributing to a good social functioning.

Hands holding flowers representing abundance

10. Law of detachment

Contrary to what it might seem in this decalogue, we should not act thinking about the result. It is true that if we are generous we will find generosity in those around us, but our attention should not be on receiving but rather on giving.

After reviewing the 10 laws of abundance, each of us is free to adopt them and integrate the results of personal reflection on them into our life story.

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