The 4 Personalities Of Emotional Vampires

The 4 Personalities of Emotional Vampires

When it comes to healthy personal development, one of the main pillars we have to pay attention to, inevitably, is our surroundings: those people who should generate positive emotions and good values ​​in our hearts. However, unfortunately  not all people in this environment provide us with positive experiences,  and the truth is that emotional vampires usually hide among them.

Friends who give us good feelings make us want to join them, as they do not imply barriers or personal conflicts. But it is inevitable that we encounter, at least at some point in our learning, the opposite side: people who tend to weaken our emotional state.

The reasons why emotional vampires bring out bad feelings in us are very varied. Today I’ll tell you what the 4 vampire personalities are and their main characteristics. So you can discover them, providing a positive personal growth in your daily life.

How is the relationship with emotional vampires?

Two concepts are characteristic within the usual behavior of emotional vampires. The main thing is  time,  as in order to get close to the person they want to bond with, emotional vampires need persistence and they also need to earn their trust. The moment they begin to enjoy her sympathy, they begin to put the second concept into play:  proximity . They begin to take advantage of each other’s sensitive points and use them to their own advantage.

For this reason, we cannot enjoy a good existential quality when, in our circle of trust, there is a personality characteristic of emotional vampires. It could be a friend, family member or even your partner. The truth is, the  more trust and closeness there is in a relationship with an emotional vampire, the more complicated it is to overcome and combat the negative emotional effects  they can generate on us.


negative personality

The emotional vampire with a negative personality has, as its main objective, to make you feel  “inferior to him” .  For him, everything that has to do with what comes from you will be compared with something negative, putting obstacles and barriers at all times. A characteristic phrase on your part will be  “You don’t know how to do things right” . They are also often opposed to and opposed to their personal opinions, even though they are aware that they are wrong.

The most important inconvenience is that, if you question the way an emotional vampire with a negative personality acts, he will certainly justify himself by saying that   “he only seeks the best for you .   After being around that person for a while, you will find that your way of expressing yourself is constantly based on negative criticism.

victim personality

The victim personality emotional vampire will not stop complaining, saying that everything that happens in your daily life is negative.  The vocabulary of emotional vampires and their way of verbalizing builds on constant unjustified fears and complaints. Even though things turn out positively, this type of person always has something negative to say. In this way, he builds his own reasons for complaining and victimizing you.

A basic trait to bear in mind when talking about a victimized person is that it is difficult to find healthy emotional support in them,  as they will always give more importance to their world and their own problems than your own. Also, it won’t take the time to listen and focus on what’s happening to you. Much less will it offer unconditional help in case of need.

non-empathic personality

When it comes to emotional vampires, we’re talking about the “non-empathy” state.  Empathy is an essential component of interpersonal intelligence, a term created by Howard Gardner, with which we refer to a person’s cognitive ability to understand the emotional universe of another.


A vampire personality, within their relationships, shows us that they have no empathy due to the presence of selfish gestures,  without thinking about whether it will generate any discomfort or any other negative feeling in their partner. Emotional vampires, at no time, intend to put themselves in someone else’s situation or skin, adopting an attitude that will possibly lead them to eliminate optimism from their routine.

melancholy and violent personality

As I was commenting earlier,  the actions and gestures of emotional vampires are based on seeing the world as a glass half empty rather than half full.  In any situation, they will look for a low-key side and, at all times, they will be reluctant to pursue new alternatives. They are often difficult people to convince, who try at all times to demonstrate their vital thought that  “life is not worth it”. 

The very term “vampiric” indicates this. They are usually people who,  because they have little empathy, are not sensitive to others, causing them to take violent attitudes for no reason. The basic emotional states on which they build their daily lives are anger, anger, and pride.

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