The 7 Clues That Selfishness Leaves

The 7 clues that selfishness leaves

If you look back over the past week, or simply today, you ‘re sure to remember a time when you did something for someone. Something that has represented a personal effort, whether of time, money or other resources. You may also recall a time when you turned down such a request because you felt the cost was too high.

Several times I asked myself the question:  “Would I be being selfish if I did or didn’t do such a thing?” This question arises when someone makes a reasonable request and we have to consider whether or not we will accept it, when fulfilling it involves a cost to us. Surely you go through several situations where this question is asked and the answer is not usually simple.

Therefore, I present these 7  traits of selfishness that can help you on the way to discovering selfish behaviors, both your own and others. When these reproduce constantly, we can say that they are characteristic of people with an excess of ego.

1. Don’t show your weaknesses and vulnerabilities

A common and selfish reason for not giving help is the fear of showing weakness, of trying and being in the spotlight when you feel that your action was not really helpful. The person thinks that by giving a hand to the person in need, he is showing weakness and inner insecurity.

They will cast aside the true belief that we all have weaknesses that make us human and that are necessary to learn and evolve.

2. Do not accept constructive criticism

People with a selfish attitude hold the thought that their surroundings seek to belittle their work and potential. In this way, they will try at all costs not to recognize constructive criticism. They often defend themselves with irony and it is very difficult for them to recognize that they are wrong.

3. They think they deserve everything

People in this selfish attitude are characterized by being little constant when it comes to following their goals. We could say that they change their minds continuously and demand that each of their ideas be valued and considered in the same way as that of a person who already has a long trajectory.

They may come to think and assume that success will always be on their side, no matter if they have to get rid of someone who stands in their way to achieve it.

4. Don’t listen to those who don’t agree with them

Selfish people see as enemies those who are mature and intelligent,

Listening and learning from other opinions is a good opportunity to broaden your horizons and grow. Select what you find interesting, but be sure to listen; don’t ignore it because you’re afraid and don’t turn your back on the world.

5. Criticize others behind their backs

People with a selfish attitude prefer easy and behind-the-scenes criticism. Deep down, they fear they’re not right and do it at a distance so that reality can’t spoil their idea of ​​how their world is drawn in their heads.

They need to believe, for example, that all people who are poor are poor because they don’t want to work and prefer to live on the street or because they don’t have enough willpower and constancy to graduate. Supporting these explanations, they can mentally separate themselves from people living in precarious conditions, discarding the idea that one day a bad luck turn could lead them to the same place.

Deep down, they fear for its crystal palace…

The clues that selfishness leaves

6. Increase your achievements

One of the most important and notorious deficiencies of a person with selfish attitudes has to do with a lack of humility. Humility is a precious and necessary virtue to grow as a human being and as sociable people around you. Self-centered people will only stifle this personal potential by trying to enhance and enhance their achievements.

They will “appropriate” more responsibility than is actually theirs when the result has been a success, and they will look for an escape route when the project does not end well. On the other hand, you can count on them to sail, as long as the wind is in your favor.

7. Are you afraid of taking risks

Panic, terror. Linking with the previous point, they do not consider failure because they are never exposed to it. On the other hand, they don’t hesitate to criticize harshly and severely when others don’t get what they want. They are the first to say: “but that was obvious…”

Throughout my own personal growth, I was able to witness some of these previous traits, and there is a time when you realize selfishness, that you are not taking responsibility for your actions and begin to see the light of maturity…

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