The Gift Of Doubt

the gift of doubt

There is nothing that can take away the tranquility like a doubt that bothers us. Doubt that itches, doubt that bothers, doubt that burns, doubt that worries. There is also the doubt that questions, that takes space, that never sleeps, that transforms us.

In every doubt there is a gift. The gift of doubting. I doubt that, I doubt that, I doubt a little of everything and a little of everything. I doubt the depth of an event, the truth of a word, the character of anyone. I doubt myself, I doubt time, the duration of a world, the fragile future, the uncertain present, an absent past.

I doubt! From what? From me or from you? That is the question. Doubt is a gross domestic product, it is the stamp of insecurity, of lack of confidence. Or, in other words, it is by doubting that one learns, because whoever doubts experiences the different, dares to ask, to launch, simply… to dive.

Doubt is good and bad. It’s bitter, but it can even be sweet. It’s bitter when it shakes the structures that were stuck inside. It’s sweet when it comes to liking someone, even in doubt.

Doubt is hope, showing new possibilities

It’s the end, when it’s necessary to abandon people and make new choices. It tears up the inner tissues, shortens vain existences, whether of something or someone; it shakes the rafters of the soul and at times can cause them to crumble.

I like the doubt. She makes me an inquisitive agent, always looking for what’s ahead. Always looking for the answer to an unnerving question, or to a careless but coherent question, trying to silence an incessant murmur, or a shrill scream.

learn from the doubt

Doubt is everything that isn’t, it’s all that’s missing, because you don’t know, you’re not sure, it’s a kind of longing for something that you don’t know, for sure, if it ever existed, or if it lived. It’s asking uncomfortable questions, it’s poking around, looking for the egg (why not?).

There is still the doubt that it always will be : you will never know what the other person is really thinking, whether someone from your past really liked you, and if you had chosen another path, as it would be today. You won’t know if life would bring you other surprises if you had pressed other buttons of free will, nor if that person you loved so much were still alive, what your life and hers would be like.

These doubts will never be cleared up, as they are part of the process of being who you are. They are natural and insoluble! These are not problems to be solved; leave them, don’t fret over them. It doesn’t matter anymore to ask these questions.

Doubt what is beneficial and positive for you: what do I want for my life? Who I am? How do I feel in situations like this? Why is this person not doing me good? What do I want to do to improve as a person?

avoid the doubt

Doubt, but don’t be suspicious. Ask but don’t insult. Seek to quench the thirst of your doubt, but don’t want to go beyond your limits. Listen to doubt, sense your intuition in doubt, scratch the itch of doubt. Above all, respect her. It is also your internal process; it’s the pepper that was missing from your tasteless dish of the day.

Therefore, the valuable tip that I leave is: doubt. Today Tomorrow and always. And let the questions come!

Text written by Bia Cantanti
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