The Habit Of Leaving For Tomorrow That Never Comes

The habit of leaving it for the tomorrow that never comes

“Tomorrow I do”. “There’s still a long time to go.” “I don’t feel like doing it right now.” “I prefer to leave it to the last minute…” and so on. Well, these typical behaviors can reveal that you are procrastinating.

Procrastinating means putting it off, putting it off for later, putting off something that needs to be done. Procrastination also involves engaging in other, more attractive chores to postpone the tasks that really must be done.

Several researches indicate that the act of procrastinating is inherent to the human being, that is, it is part of it. However, it is an act that can become a habit and harm yourself and your relationships. Procrastination brings several emotional and social consequences, such as guilt, anxiety, discouragement, sadness, disorganization of time, and can even result in family and professional conflicts.


This habit involves millions of people. Who never postponed? However, many of them do not realize what happened and what procrastination can generate. One of the ways to recognize it is to evaluate your routine, how your hours have been, if you have managed to organize yourself and carry out the tasks that are necessary within the allotted time, or have left it to the last moment, if you have been feeling guilty about failing to do what it should, resulting in several consequences as mentioned above.

How to deal with procrastination?

When talking about an emotional event, not tangible, there is no rule to follow, but there are some ways that can help you. One of the first steps is to make a weekly schedule of your routine, with the times of your appointments and your everyday activities.

After putting everything down on paper, reflect on how you’ve been dividing your time, where you’ve been giving out more energy, what activities you need to improve, add or decrease in your schedule. Because your routine may be overloaded or too loose. Organization is essential in this first step.

It is necessary to have free time too, remember that! And of course, trying to put it into practice in a healthy way, bringing benefits and not a burden on your routine. Be realistic and truthful with yourself, don’t boycott the activities that are important, avoid leaving it for later, keeping the thought that if I revolve today, I have more time to do other things I want.


Another way to deal with procrastination is to set a time to do the tasks you need to do and, at the end, have a free time to do what you like.

For example, I need to do college work or finish a job report. I limit a reasonable and consistent time to carry out these activities. When it’s done, I’ll be able to watch a show, or read a book, or rest (something you like).

It’s like a form of reward that you determine for your brain until you get used to the new routines. Some researches show that for you to be able to change something in your life (food, routine, projects, physical activity, studies…) it is necessary to practice what you want for at least 30 days so that your body gets used to the new and it becomes something routine .

Don’t put off what you need to do today. The accumulation of chores reinforces procrastination even more and causes lack of motivation and guilt. It’s a circle, one thing leads to another. Likewise, if you start by changing as little as necessary, it will also lead to other changes.

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