The Mystery Of Mental Attraction: Two Souls Caressing Each Other

The mystery of mental attraction: two souls caressing each other

Sometimes two souls meet like the oldest stars in the sky. Almost without knowing how, we enter the same gravitational field where almost everything fits. We talk about the mental attraction that goes beyond the physical, because it captures and dazzles us, two souls caress each other and navigate in the same direction.

This kind of attraction that goes beyond the skin and goes deeper into other types of processes is actually more common than we think. However, this does not mean that the weight of physical appearance has lost its remarkable importance. In fact, as social psychologist Solomon Ash has demonstrated in his “Personality Implicit Theories , people continue to think that everything beautiful is good and therefore beneficial.

When talking about attraction, we have to take into account that most of these mechanisms are governed by unconscious processes. The physicist is our cover letter and a great advertisement, we know that; however, this advertisement is not always the perfect or most foolproof bait. Biology, chemistry and our psycho-emotional needs shape this gravitational field where we approach certain profiles in which sometimes, almost without knowing how, magic and a life project emerge.

We do not necessarily speak of “soul mates”, but of personalities that connect, that are in perfect harmony and that are capable of creating a strong and enriching bond. An interesting and nuanced topic that we want to reflect on with you.


Mental attraction doesn’t look for soul mates, it looks for fellow travelers

We will start by talking about a curious fact that should invite us to reflection. According to a study by Dr. Raymond Knee, director of the University of Rochester’s Laboratory of Social Psychology,  more than half of people believe that soul mates exist. That is, that people are destined for each other and that this kind of attraction transcends what, at first glance, is understandable.

Within the vision of the soul mates concept, the mental attraction aspect is, without a doubt, a basic pillar. However, as this same author explains to us through articles such as “The Science of Soulmates” (in free translation, ‘The science of soul mates’), this type of attraction would go beyond the simple mental processes associated with the set of values, needs and affections to reach a much more spiritual field.

Of course, from a scientific point of view, this approach is not valid. It is not because there are those who leave in the hands of fate aspects that must be under our control. Because the true mental attraction does not understand magic or destinations, but the set of two mature personalities who, in addition to an eternal love, are also looking for a present relationship, a traveling companion to fight for every day .


United for fate or united to grow

Dr. Raymond Knee is still immersed in the study of the social conception of “soul mates” today. In your department, we can conduct a test to assess our view on the topic. After taking this test, we will know if we belong to any of these groups.

  • People who believe in the existence of soul mates. From this approach, mental attraction is understood as the process by which our union with the other person is so intimate and exceptional that we don’t need to say what we want or what we need to let the other person know. We are one being.
  • People who believe in affective relationships as part of their personal and emotional growth. In this case, the destination is of little or no importance. No one is predestined for anyone, we are the ones who created it by investing time, will and effort when we find this traveling companion.

In the latter case, mental attraction responds to an agreement regarding interests, passions, values ​​and the ease with which we negotiate, with which we understand each other to reach agreements without waiting for the other person to “guess” what is happening to us. To understand otherwise could lead to deep frustration.

The keys of mental attraction

Physical attraction is something strong, intense, uncontrolled… We know and we like it. However, the real magic that characterizes these most authentic and stable relationships is an ideal balance between both dimensions, where mental seduction is every day the most evident, the most vivid and the most exciting ingredient.

So, if we stop to delve a little deeper into the keys of true mental attraction, we can see that, indeed, there is very little supernatural about it; but a lot of emotions, instincts, chemistry and that kind of intuition buried in our unconscious that tells us that this is the person who, in this present moment, is the best for us.

Let’s see some aspects.


  • The first aspect is, without a doubt, reciprocity. Something as basic as receiving a positive response, feeling recognized and valued, and seeing ourselves as someone important in someone else’s eyes is a very significant attraction.
  • Mental attraction is also about similar interests,  about seeing the world from the same perspective and under the same principles. There may be differences in some aspects, of course, but these small dissonances are respected and even valued.

Likewise, mental attraction is ignited through challenge. There are people who make us feel alive, who challenge us with their gaze, with their knowledge, with that subtle combination in which the familiar intertwines with the unknown. Little by little, something is formed that moves us, that fills our mind to, irreparably, light up our heart and let our souls caress.

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