The Strength And Limits Of Love

The strength and limits of love

Romanticism is not easy to define. It was a literary and artistic school, but also a human attitude towards life, especially towards love. What is clear is that romanticism transcended epochs and fashions. In today’s world, with all its pragmatism, there are still many people who look at reality with a deep romantic air.

This is most clearly seen in the territory of couples. No wonder, precisely the love between a man and a woman is precisely called “romantic love”. This would not be so transcendent if it weren’t for the fact that it is a perspective in which affections are idealized and, over time, usually lead to great disappointments.

Here we are going to learn about these myths of romantic love that often prevent us from being happy as couples.

Myths about the power of love

There is the idea that love can do anything, do anything, achieve anything. Unfortunately, this is hardly the case. Coupled love, like every human feeling, has its precise limits and scope. Love cannot do everything.

Upholding this myth can be harmful in many cases. For example, when someone thinks they can change someone else, thanks to love. Obviously, love is about changing behavior in some way, but the truth is that a couple relationship will not change anyone’s essence. If anything, it can trim some edges.

Love alone is not capable of overcoming all obstacles, nor tolerating all mistakes, nor forgiving all offenses. No matter how much love there is, there are limits that cannot be transgressed. If this love does not include respect, tolerance, and good communication, the bond is likely to be perpetuated, but not the feeling.

The strength and limits of love

Myths about the supernatural aspect of love

Often, when talking about love, it is associated with some magical ideas. There is talk of destiny or predestination, of an inexplicable “chemistry”, of a unique and true love of life, or of eternities and infinities that most of the time remain only in words.

There are those who wish to see love through the lens of the supernatural. They want it to be an incomprehensible force, to appear in life without knowing how or why, and turn the couple into gold. This idea of ​​love is such a strong desire that it will hardly find any attraction in more earthly relationships.

People assume that if there are difficulties in your relationship as a couple, it’s because you haven’t found your true “half an orange”. They assume that when they find it, it will not be necessary to make any effort, as everything will flow as if it were written in advance.

The contrast between an imperfect, flesh-and-blood relationship and the relationship idealized by romantics is very strong. Of course, the real relationship will always lose out. How are you going to compare a here and now full of imperfections and mismatches, with a beyond where there is only harmony and happiness?

In fact, whoever loses in the end is the person who seeks to see recorded in reality something that only exists in the inflamed imagination of romanticism. More than once you will see your desire for an absolute encounter and total harmony frustrated.

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