The Surfer’s Fable

The surfer's fable

Today we want to share the surfer’s fable. Although for many it may seem like a tale, the truth is that it is a life lesson. It goes far beyond talking about a sportsman who risks climbing a board and flying over waves: there is a valuable teaching stored inside.

When you finish reading about the surfer’s fable, you will see that, in reality, the story is about life, how to face problems, the virtue of being patient and the ability to detect when it’s time to act and when it’s time to wait.

The surfer’s fable: reaching the sea

A surfer was crazy about the waves. The sense of freedom they provided whenever he was above those incredible, violent and absorbing manifestations of nature in the rough seas enchanted him.

However, the surfer knew perfectly well that not everything was as simple as jumping overboard head-on and out of control. He was aware that he must use his brain to pick the right wave, otherwise he could end up in a hospital or lose his life.

girl in the sea sailing through the waves

In addition, the surfer was carried away by his instincts and his heart. Every time a wave approached, he knew, in a natural way, whether it was the one to rise or not. Such was his experience, conviction and confidence in himself that he had, at all times, the clarity to know whether it was the moment or not.

So, without thinking too much, the surfer went to sea. It was a day when the sea was rough and the waves crashed against the beach. He knew the time was right, for not every day had good opportunities to ride on the shores of the violent and liberating tide.

waiting for the wave

Once he reached the beach, the surfer didn’t wait long to enter the sea. He was eager to ride the great wave that would give him freedom and happiness. Only when he climbed as high as possible did he truly feel himself.

However, however angry the sea was and however the waves constantly crashed, he could not find the right time to climb any. The waves constantly passed in front of him, but he knew they weren’t his. The time had not yet come to embark on the adventure, so he waited.

the big wave has arrived

The surfer decided to wait. I was looking at the panorama. He watched others who, like him, climbed the waves. Some enjoyed it and arrived at the coast unharmed. Others experienced falls in sequence. Also, the landscape was beautiful and stunning. He enjoyed that feeling of waiting, because he knew the moment was close.

And that’s how the big wave arrived. He saw her coming from afar. I knew it was time. Finally, the time approached to climb the shores of the raging sea to see the landscape from above, enjoying, feeling the happiness and the feeling of being where you wanted to be. Moments of authentic grandeur.

The surfer prepared and climbed the big wave like he had never been able to before. He climbed on the back of his aggressive companion during a short part of the trip. He mastered her and let himself be carried away.

sea ​​wave

He enjoyed every moment they both walked together during that wonderful journey to finally end up on the shores of the beach with a smile of happiness on his face.


That surfer was happy with his favorite sport. He had ridden the wave with great pleasure, and now he was ready to re-enter the sea and wait for the next one. He would start again, waiting for the moment to come, but with a new experience in his emotional baggage. Increasingly wise, patient, and knowledgeable about the world around him.

Did you notice that the surfer’s fable is very similar to our own existence? Those who have the necessary tools to know how to wait and take advantage of opportunities will be happy and will enjoy the great things that life offers us.

Nothing happens before because you are impatient. Wisdom has to be ours to choose the moments, the friends, the lovers… we just have to wait and run towards the right wave.

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