The Wrinkles Of A Lifetime

the wrinkles of a lifetime

In their eyes, thousands of battles are submerged, some of strong waves, others of calm winds.

His pupils are the treasure of a lifetime, keeping the secrets of his paths, his wanderings and his destinies.

And her eyelashes, so solid, but at the same time so sensitive, tell that at times they supported the weight of cascades of tears and the vividness of the sun’s rays.

What is certain is that when they look at us, they open the way for feelings, as if an invisible bridge connected them; sometimes, with breastplates and walls that collapse with the weapons of affection and tenderness; sometimes, with the doors wide open, so that with a kiss or a hug, they can be welcomed.

the wrinkles of a lifetime

Their lips, silenced by years, are in no hurry to speak, and when they do, wisdom coats their words. Although we only accept your advice just in case.

If we listen to them, we learn so much… they give us life lessons, unraveling their tones.

It is their wrinkles, those folds shaped by the experience of feelings, the strength of facts and the footprints of wounds and successes, which have grown over the years as a brand that characterizes them.

Wrinkles full of effort, wrinkles full of feelings, wrinkles forged like chains that held the weight of suffering wrinkles rejoicing in love, rejoicing in life…

Their skin has withstood the deepest wounds we can imagine. Some have been completely cured; but others marked by scars, which if touched, can cause a storm of emotions.

On their backs, we see the weight of the losses of those with whom they bonded with unforgettable steel, which not even physical or psychological distance makes them forget; remembering them through the sensation that blooms on your skin and that comes directly from your heart.

And it is their hands, the cement and the tools of their lives, next to their feet, the key to their tracks, the ones that support their path.

A winding path, meandering, unstable, full of dangers and obstacles, which was subjected to the power of the countenance.

A path also full of flowers, fresh air and sweetness, in which they enjoyed every moment they could, with the sensitivity of their eyes.

And yet, sometimes we forget about it. We forgot them…

the wrinkles of a lifetime

They are the heroes of our past and their present, who make us think that anything is possible, if we so wish. That life leaves marks on the skin, but also on the soul, warm or cold, which with its contrast make life feel.

The voice of experience that oscillates between silence and protest, brave hearts that remain there despite the storms… Full of learning, wisdom books…

What? Who are?

Elderly people, the autumn of life… Your look and your wrinkles give them away…

Those who in his day gave him a helping hand, took care of his stumbling blocks and taught him that the seeds, when planted, need to be watered so that, with the passage of time, they bear fruit…

There they are, at your side or at a distance. Hoping you love them and smile at them.

When you see them, listen to them, their words can be the spring of your dreams…

When you see them, understand them, even in silence, because their silence is full of meaning…

When you see them, hug them, because a sincere and heartfelt hug, in the end, is a caress in your soul…

And remember: someday you will also be a hero of your present and of the past of those who come…

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