There Are People Who Believe Their Opinion Is The Only Right One

There are people who believe that their opinion is the only right one

There are people like that, people who believe that their opinion is the only right one, who give us their indisputable opinion without our asking, people who proclaim their sincerity because they claim to help others by telling them what they supposedly need to hear.

They are profiles of people with high ego who sell us their opinions as if they were absolute truths, always making use of the most scathing criticism or the most negative side.

“You always find the wrong people, that person will deceive you at the first opportunity.” “I say this for your own good. It’s better to get this objective out of your head because this idea is too big”. “These things happen because you don’t have a personality and because it’s clear you’ll never learn from your mistakes…”.

These kinds of sentences, more than opinions, are blunt sentences. Since many of us have suffered the effects of these situations more than once, it is important to remember that while we are all fully entitled to voice our opinions, what is inconceivable is that they are used to harm, humiliate or belittle. Furthermore, it is necessary to know that opinions are mere personal expressions, simple reflections of the emotional and cognitive world of the people who issue them.

However, as Leonardo da Vinci said, the worst of human errors is to believe in the mistake of their own opinions because there is no greater ignorance than those who believe that their personal evaluations are universal truths. Although this great genius has been saying this for so long, there are still people who believe that his opinion is the only right one.

Lion opening his mouth to nature

People who believe their opinion is the only right get caught in their own chains.

Our opinions can often be our own currents. Let’s think about this for a moment: when someone gives an opinion about us, they do so from their own reality, their own experience, and their own values. So far everything is normal, it is expected and we understand. However, this process also applies to what psychology calls “attention distortion”/”confirmation distortion”.

That is, there are people who only perceive what they want to see, who limit themselves to observing only certain aspects at the expense of others in order to issue incorrect and extremely distorted judgments. Thus, the so-called rational choice theory also tells us that many of these heuristics we apply to our thoughts and opinions correspond to mere “intuitions”, to simplistic assessments that make us make many mistakes.

All of this leads us, without a doubt, to understand why there are people who believe that their opinion is the only right one. They cling to their own mental currents by concluding facts as questionable as some of these ideas: “women are by nature weak”, “children need a steady hand to learn” or “everyone who practices a religion other than mine is terrorist”.

On the other hand, and this has also been noticed more than once, those who use such decisive and harmful opinions usually react very negatively, and even take it personally, when we try to refute their arguments using logical and rational principles. These people neither accept nor listen because their mental currents mold too rigid thinking. In fact, there are those who define this type of person as our “ trolls ” in real life.

Woman with colored stripes face

If you are going to give your opinion, that it will be useful, please

We all can and must give our opinion about what we want. However, it is necessary to do this out of respect, not with the intention of offending. It doesn’t matter that it’s a truth and that it causes pain, if it’s useful and fundamental, let it be welcomed.

We will try, therefore, to control these evaluations that, although we do not realize, reach us directly through the brain amygdala, where emotions such as fear, hate or anger prevail exclusively, where opinions with the objective of hurting, labeling or belittling the others with the expressed desire to be above the rest.

Lion-shaped mountain and cloudy sky

On the other hand, in this society in which there are many such strong but weakly supported opinions translated into phrases such as “vote for me or the world will be chaos”, “buy this product and you will be happy” or “get thin, dress like this, do this and you will succeed” , it is necessary to learn to practice another kind of thinking, from a personal perspective.

We must learn to let go of our opinions a little to allow us to see what lies beyond. Before telling our friend, for example, that the dress she is wearing is horrible, we should first reflect that if she is wearing it is because she likes it and because her style of dress is simply different from ours. At the same time, it never hurts to remember the always useful filter of Aristotle’s three truths:

  • Are you absolutely sure what you’re about to say is true?
  • What are you going to say is positive?
  • Can this opinion that you are going to issue be useful for that specific person?

If the answer to these three questions is yes, then we should speak up. Our opinion, therefore, should serve to improve coexistence and ensure respect between people, thus creating more valid and meaningful relationships.

Do you live with any of these people who believe that their opinion is the only right one in their life? We hope this article has given you some perspective on how to better handle this situation.

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