This Short Film Helps Us See Our Shortcomings As Virtues

This short film helps us see our shortcomings as virtues

It is said that the great classics and great works of art are classified as such because they can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the viewer. Today I want to share with you a short film that inspired me a lot.

Maybe you are exhausted, bored or tired of your life. Almost nothing satisfies and its existence seems to be meaningless.  Nothing fills you, and when you think something might bring your dreams back, you realize it wasn’t exactly what you expected.

Your complexes weigh more every day.  You would almost dare to say that you don’t like yourself, neither inside nor outside. For you, the ideal would be not to be you, to change and polish everything you see as “your faults”. Certainly, if asked what you are like, your adjectives when describing yourself would all be obscure and sometimes it seems like you can’t even find the words that define you…

Exhausted from looking for thousands of options to see if your smile returns, you desperately believe that no, this life is not for you.  And you act accordingly, as if you have no right to enjoy and be happy.

This is how Anton finds himself, the protagonist of our story. Tired, exhausted and overwhelmed by his “complexes” and “flaws”, he decided to make a drastic decision to end his suffering and change his existence.


When we see ourselves as a bag of defects

Anton, the protagonist of our short film, chooses, as we have already said, to disappear and put an end to his existence. That way, your fears won’t be able to show up, you won’t have to see your faults and you won’t even worry about your limitations…

Sometimes, even though we don’t make the drastic decision of our protagonist,  we decide to pretend to be blind and walk through life without paying attention to ourselves…  ” If I don’t like it, I won’t look; I consider myself bad at such a thing, so I’ll just ignore it…”  almost completely unaware of each other.

It may also happen that we do the opposite, that we are so preoccupied with ourselves that we are only able to see our shortcomings or what we don’t excel at. The point is that we don’t recognize ourselves… Accept that we only have the condition of being defectives and stick with it.  An authentic sabotage to ourselves, in which we consider ourselves a bag of defects.


Happiness is an attitude that is born from the inside

We buy things, we stick to dreams, we idealize our future and the people around us, we believe that when we achieve what we set out to do, we will be happy, but the long-awaited happiness never comes… Why?

Happiness doesn’t come with what we buy, with goals achieved or by finding ourselves with someone we love. We can have all this and not have any peak of happiness… Happiness is an attitude and, as an attitude, we can all learn it, but always cultivating it from within.

I know people not so beautiful, not so successful, not so rich, not so perfect, but who are really happy. Happy people are not content with having or getting, but with being, appreciating and  giving thanks for all that life has to offer. You can see it in their eyes… They decided to be happy, cultivating their attitude of accepting and loving themselves.

Each defect can have its small share of virtue.

Happy people are not happy because they have no defects, but because they knew how to discover the greatness found in each of them.  They stopped comparing themselves with others because they understood that it is useless to compare, since each one of us has lived certain circumstances, has a way of being and relates in a specific way.


You can be taller, I’m shorter, he’s shy and she’s more outgoing. The point is that  our “flaws” don’t make us better or worse people, they make us be ourselves. Each defect has its small part of virtue hidden, it is only a matter of discovering it.

Also, maybe talking isn’t your strongest point, but you express yourself wonderfully in writing, or maybe it’s tricky for you to do manual stuff, but you do very well in sports…  Have you ever tried to figure out what your potentials are?  Anton seems to have discovered his potential by surprise, at the end of the story…

Believe what I say, we never failed to discover each other.  We have so many secrets hidden within us that almost none of us know might exist, but one day they show up or you find them yourself. The fundamental condition is that we start to love ourselves.

If we change our attitude, stop comparing ourselves, start loving each other and try to see the learning of each circumstance that happens to us, the tiredness and lack of will will leave us. Don’t be like Anton and hope it’s too late, because  there’s nothing more beautiful than starting to cultivate from within and watching how the vision of everything around us changes…

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